1900 Movie Script


1901年1月27日,著名作曲家歌剧大师威尔弟去世,这也正是意大利北部两户家庭产子的同一天。阿弗雷德(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro饰),富有的农场主的孙子;奥尔茂(杰拉尔·德帕迪约 Gérard Depardieu饰),贫穷的农户的孙子。两人从小就结下了友谊,然而因为地位阶级与出身经历的不同,注定了两人天壤之别的迥然人生。

But all the same, l have always made my offering for the holy wounds of Jesus.
lt's true l don't have the money for the mortgage, but l look at it this way, if l have to choose between the mortgage and the holy wounds, then l choose the wounds.
They wish l were dead, anyway.
This has become a fixation.
Don't you know that blaming others is a sin?
A very bad sin.
You don't believe me?
What do you call this, then?
Look, here's the proof.
Please, come on, please, l can't bear cats, even live ones.
He used to sleep with me.
They want to hurt the things l love.
They want to hurt me! They want to take everything away from me!
They're wicked people!
There's the car.
-Well, at last.
-Yes. Here.
Aren't you coming in?
They're waiting for you.
No, no, not tonight.
At least tonight, one should stay at home.
Come on, Josephine.
-Don't eat too much.
-Ciao, Pierro.
-Merry Christmas.