A Boy Called Dad Movie Script


罗比是一个14岁的小男孩,目前他刚刚“收获”了一个孩子,他做上了爸爸。虽然罗比很想承担起父亲的责任并抚养这个孩子成人,但是孩子的母亲却不想和罗比再发生什么瓜葛,她要自己抚养小孩。   伴随着孩子的出生,罗比和他的爸爸乔又重新建立起了联系——可以说是因祸得福吧,长期和儿子疏远的乔重新回到了罗比的身边。事实证明,乔是一个无能、懦弱而且极为不靠谱的父亲,目睹并亲身经历这一切的罗比不希望自己变成和乔一样的人,他要做一个合格称职的父亲。   当罗比看到孩子妈妈的新男友是一个满口粗话而且有暴力倾向的人的时候,罗比决定要立即采取行动,他冲向孩子的母亲,抢下了孩子,并且拔腿就跑。在罗比“流浪”的路程中,他碰到了遭受家庭创伤的女人尼亚。尼亚没办法给罗比提供任何帮助,因为她还有一个丑陋的并且复杂的家庭需要去应付。与此同时,内疚的父亲乔也开始四处寻找走失的罗比。他猜测着罗比可能会到达的地点,希冀能在那里找到儿子。   乔找到了儿子罗比和孙子,但是父子俩的会面却远没有想象中的那么融洽。他们一见到对方就开始大吵大闹。这两个“父亲”都不得不面对自己的过去,回忆生活的过往,不得不从伤痛内疚中走出——学会“父亲”的真谛。

This film contains strong language They reckon that, when you're drowning, you see your life flash before you. I didn't. HEAVY BREATHING THROUGHOU - Not like that, d*ckhead! - Sorry. - I've not got anything. - S'OK, it's a safe day. - Monday? No, knobhead, me cycle! HEAVY BREATHING CONTINUES Can't you go on top? I've just had a double cheeseburger. I'd hurl. Just get on with it! Hurry up, or I'll miss me bus! Sh*t. I broke me nail!
Look, just calm down, will you, Jackie? Look, I can't get a word in edgeways here! This isn't what I had in mind, that's all. Oh, look, I feel stupid. Not only do I feel stupid, I look stupid! All the kids are just taking the piss. It's all right for you, I'd like to see you walking around like this. Oi! Come here, you, you little sh*t! Get here, you little sh*t! I'll have you when I get hold of you! What the bleedin' hell are you playing at, soft lad? I could've killed you then! Dad? - What? - It's me. - Who? - Robbie. - My Robbie? What are you doing, lad? - He's after me, please! - Oi! - What's the score with him, then? - You little sod! - Oh, hang about. - I want a word with you! Oi! Get here! I'll have you, you little sod! You haven't seen the last of me! Think he's topped himself!
So what's the score with Mr Whippy, then? - Me and me mates were messin'. Borrowed his van. - Borrowed? We were gonna give it back. Stalled it. The others legged it. Shocking. Rule number one. If you're gonna be the getaway driver, don't stall the car. - Thought you lived in Ireland. - Yeah, I do. I'm just over here doin' a job for a mate, you know. Been over here before? Why do you sound like a Manc? - Lived in Manchester with our Katie's dad. - You've got a sister? - Pain in the arse. - How come you're here, then? Mum and Terry split up. How old are you now, mate? How come you never came to see us? Yeah, I would've if I could, but, you know, it's complex, you know what I mean, with Ireland and that. - How long you here for now? - Not long. Look, I've just got to see a man about a horse. You stay here, though, right? I won't be long. RACING COMMENTARY Come on, come on, come on. Get in! Thought he was gonna bottle it, then. The patron saint of jockeys must have been looking after you today, you jammy get. Hee-hee! Cheers, Billiam. - Happy days, lad! - D'you always win? Oh, aye, yeah. Apart from when I lose. Mum reckons it's a mug's game. Yeah? Then you won't want this off this mug. Here you go. Go on. - You won it. - It's yours. What's mine's yours. - Will I see you again? - Course. You on the front tomorrow? Same time? Yeah. Maybe not a good idea to let on to your mum that you've seen me here. I won't. All right. Cheer up! Mine went further. - Like that? - And the chips go in. That's marvellous. Step two. And then the, you know... Thanks very much. The piece de resistance... is the curry sauce, which I can't open. One sec. Oh, it's all over the show now! Here you go, have a bit of that. There we go. Jamie Oliver, my arse, mate.
- Do you know her? - No. - Which way's Ireland? - Perch Rock and take a left. On a clear day, you can see Val Doonican. Who? You know, Val Doonican. # Walk tall, walk tall and look the world right in the eye. # You laughin' at me? Ah, he's made a happy man very old. - Are there any nice girls in Killarney? - Oh, yeah. Want me to put a word in for you? Don't worry, I'll make sure that, y'know, she's got all the bits. You with anyone? No. Maybe you could come back to live with us.The chances of that are poor to piss poor, son. Your mum'd never have me back. She might change her mind. Women do - it's a well-known fact. - Yeah? Not your mum. - SHIP HORN BLARES I'm always lookin' out for you on that. - Sometimes I reckon I've seen you on it. - Yeah? - D'you remember a snow globe you got me? - Snow globe? It had a nativity in it. Cracked. Yeah! Yeah, I do remember it now, yeah. Mary's head fell off, we stuck it back on with Bostick. - You can see the join. - The thought that counts. - You kept that all this time? - The snow doesn't snow. Never did. Snow's overrated anyway. Kept this an' all. I remember that day. Bits of it. I was havin' a banana milkshake. We were in that cafe at Hollyhead. Before we got the train home. Why did you leave us? Your mum never told you? She doesn't talk about it. Just says you let us down. Better off without you. Yeah, maybe she's right. I don't feel better off without you. D'you ever think about me dad? Not if I can help it. Why? He might've changed. Yeah. And there's a pot of gold at the end of every rainbow. You don't know nothing, you. You're full of sh*t. You ever wonder why you're on your own? NOLAN! Dive in, or get down.
Come on, Nolan! Can't drive and he can't dive! Mr Skinner? Are you Mr Skinner? Yeah, you don't know me. I'm his dad.
NOLAN! Dive in or get down, lad! - Hey! Did you do that? - Yeah! - What the bleedin' hell are you playin' at? - You said you'd meet me! - I know, but something came up and I'm sorry. No need for that, though, was there? Going to cost a few bob to get that fixed. Oh, eh! - Robbie, where you going? - Mum said you were a loser. - Cheers(!) - Always was, always will be! - At least I'm consistent.
All right, I'm a loser. I'll make it up to you. - Forget it. - Come on, give us a chance. I said forget it. Go back to Ireland, I'm not arsed. All right, I'll piss off, but let me do one thing first.
It's Robbie. Thought I couldn't drive! - Hungry? - Starving. Viagra? What the bloody hell d'you want Viagra for? You're 81 years of age, for Christ's sake! You'll be pole vaulting all the way to that daycare centre, if you're not careful. Sheila? Home Help Sheila? Dad! The only thing she's trying to get her hands on is your pension! Is she there? If she's there, put her on. Put her on! Listen, you. If you don't keep your filthy mitts off him, I'm going to come round there and shove that can of Mr Sheen so far up your arse, it'll take you a fortnight to sh*t it out. Do you hear me? - Salt and vinegar, love? - Please. Hey! Get out! What are you doing, you cheeky little twat?! What did you see in me mum? I didn't. I fancied her mate, Josie. She had bigger tits. She had a gob to match, though, so I sacked that idea. What you reckon she saw in you? I could dance. There's three things women love. One, a man who can dance. Two, a man who'll listen. The trick with that is to pretend you're listening when you're not. And, three, always agree with everything they've said, even when they're wrong. Simple. - I can't dance. - Everyone can dance. - I can't. Get out. Go on, get out. Go on, I'll teach you a few moves. Just go from side to side. Oh, what?! One, two, three, four. One, two three.

"The Snake" by Al Wilson That's good! You're getting there. Feeling it, yeah. Then you've go to and get your fancy moves. Do your high kicks. Come on, feel it. In time to the music. Something like that.Get the basics right and everything else will follow. Tell you what, mate... just stick to two and three. How come you can dance and I can't? Dunno. Take after me dad. Your grandad. What was he like? - Do you want to be buried or cremated? - Surprise me. - 'Bout you? - Neither. They reckon drowning's a good way to go, don't they? Dunno, never tried it. - D'you reckon he can hear us? - Doubt it. - He was deaf! - HE LAUGHS - Are you like him? - He was the talk of the village, me dad. Always tellin' stories. Used to sit us on his knee - and tell us all about the old days in Killarney. - How old were you? 29! Nah, dunno, four or five. Used to take us there in the school holidays. - Took us to the Blarney Stone. - What's that? - If you kiss it, it's meant to give you the gift of the gab. - So you'll have better luck chattin' up girls. - Did it work? - Yeah. - Shagged this girl called Mary there. - On the Blarney Stone? - Yeah. Me dad went mental. But I could tell he was thinking, "Nice one, son". You're meant to look up to your dad. I did. He was a hero. Are you like him? Come on. It's getting cold. - Leanne! - What do you want? - Can I hold him? - No! - Please, just for a bit? - Why are you suddenly arsed about him? You don't even know his name. Buy him some nappies. That wouldn't even buy him one. It's all I've got. Please? - Will it mean you'll leave us alone? - Yeah. Like that, divvy! He's not a sack of spuds. Hey, mate. It's Elliott. Hi, Elliott. His first name's William after my granddad. Billy Elliott?
Just stay away, Robbie, OK?
- Who's that kid? - Just someone from school. HORSE-RACING COMMENTARY ON TV
Come on. F***ing move! - What are you doin' soft lad? Go after him.- Why? - You're going to let him get away with that? - I'm all right. You got to look after yourself, Rob. No-one else will. Do you understand me? No-one. What are you like with your fists? Show me. No, no, no. Hit me. Come on. Hit me. Properly, come on. Come on, hit me. No, no, no. Properly, not like a girl. Like a lad. Hit me. Hit me! You little...! Rob, I was trying to help. I'm sorry. You all right, mate? I'm sorry. Come on. Forgive me, Rob. Come on, mate. I'm sorry. All right, eh? - Has my dad been in? - Who? - Joe. - No, lad. He's back home, over the water. - He's back in Ireland already? Ireland?! Liverpool. - His home's in Ireland. - I think you've got your wires crossed, lad. He lives in Liverpool. - How long's he lived there for? - Years. If you're his son, shouldn't you know that? Yeah. It's just we've been apart for a bit. - Has he been over here much? - On and off, yeah. - No message? - No.
F***ing shut up. F***ing shut up! F***ing noisy little sh*t. CRYING CONTINUES Touch him again and I'll f***ing kill you! Are you f***ing kidding me? Are you f***ing kidding me, son? F***ing touch me...? What the f*** are you doing? F*** off. F*** off. What are you f***ing doing, you little sh*t? - F***ing let go. Oi! - Leave him alone. GUNSHO Aah! You f***!
F***ing move! Ssh! I'm sorry. Please, ssh. HE BREATHES HEAVILY ENGINE SPLUTTERS No, no. Sh*t. Do you know how to work it?
Afternoon. DCI Hill, DC McKenzie. We're responding to the disappearance of Elliott - and Robbie, is it? - Yeah. Come in. I didn't even know he had a kid. Your ex-wife wondered if he dropped any hints about where he was gone. No. I don't know, mate.You can't think where he might have gone, then, no? Sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry.