A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018



John puts one of his EARBUDS into her ear. Our world is filled with MUSIC - maybe a song from when they first met.
INT. FARMHOUSE, LIVING ROOM - DAY John & Mia slow-dance through the living room, very much in love after all these years.
They both wear SHOE COVERS on their feet. And as they move together about the house, a theme materializes in the
Every inch of wall and floor has been painstakingly covered with THICK PADDING. Sometimes FOAM, sometimes WOOL INSULATION. Too ugly to be an aesthetic choice. Must be product of necessity.
INT. FARMHOUSE, DINING ROOM - LATE AFTERNOON Mia sets the table. All of their plates and cutlery are plastic. She gestures to John to gather the children for dinner.
INT. FARMHOUSE, UPSTAIRS - LATE AFTERNOON John tops the stairs. He opens a DOOR, labeled “Will” in stenciled letters.
Will sits at his desk, finishing his drawing. John MIMES an eating motion. Will acknowledges.
John moves on to the SECOND DOOR, labeled “April” in a flower- patterned alphabet. Peeks his head inside... It’s empty.
John moves further down the hall to a THIRD DOOR. No letters on this one -only a sun-faded patch, suggesting a name was once removed.
He hesitates before opening the door - INT. FARMHOUSE, BEDROOM - LATE AFTERNOON April sits on a stripped MATTRESS FRAME in a sparsely decorated room. Looks like someone used to live here long ago. She closes the DIARY she’s writing in, annoyed by the intrusion.
John MIMES the eating motion and extends his hand, encouraging her to join.
April rises from the bed and approaches, her arm outstretched as if she’ll grab John’s hand BUT - APRIL CLOSES THE DOOR IN HIS FACE.
INT. FARMHOUSE, DINING ROOM - EVENING The rim of the sun sets outside, casting an orange glow over the dinner table.
The family finishes their supper. Mia clears the table.
John unfolds a MONOPOLY game board as April finally joins from upstairs. She takes the furthest seat from John.
April’s mood changes as she tussles with Will over who gets to roll first.
They play the game mostly with hand gestures, never speaking a word. They roll the DICE on a soft blanket so that it doesn’t make a sound.
Will is five spaces away from landing on April’s BOARDWALK.
He silently prays for a miracle.
Will rolls a... five.
He throws up his hands in protest.
April lets out a GIGGLE. The first sound we’ve heard this whole time - JOHN’S EYES WIDEN. APRIL COVERS HER MOUTH.