飞机 Airplane! Movie Script


飞机(澳大利亚、新西兰、南非、日本和菲律宾的片名为《飞得高!》)是一部1980年的美国模仿电影,由大卫·祖克、吉姆·亚伯拉罕和杰里·祖克执导和编剧,派拉蒙影业发行。该片由罗伯特·海斯和朱莉·哈格蒂主演,莱斯利·尼尔森、罗伯特·斯塔克、劳埃德·布里奇斯、彼得·格雷夫斯、卡里姆·阿卜杜勒·贾巴尔和洛娜·帕特森主演。这部电影是对灾难电影类型的模仿,尤其是1957年派拉蒙电影《零点时刻》!,它借用了剧情和中心人物,以及1975年《机场》中的许多元素。这部电影以其超现实幽默和快节奏的闹剧喜剧而闻名,包括视觉和语言双关语和插科打诨。 Airplane! (titled Flying High! in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Japan and the Philippines) is a 1980 American parody film directed and written by David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, and Jerry Zucker and released by Paramount Pictures. It stars Robert Hays and Julie Hagerty and features Leslie Nielsen, Robert Stack, Lloyd Bridges, Peter Graves, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Lorna Patterson. The film is a parody of the disaster film genre, particularly the 1957 Paramount film Zero Hour!, from which it borrows the plot and the central characters, as well as many elements from Airport 1975. The film is known for its use of surreal humor and its fast-paced slapstick comedy, including visual and verbal puns and gags.

Okay, but please hurry! We're dropping fast!
INT. PASSENGER CABIN - NIGHT Passengers are being tossed about. Rumack is examining a female patient.
DR. RUMACK What the hell's going on up there?
Rumack starts toward cockpit.
INT. COCKPIT - NIGHT McCROSKEY (v.o.) Now, Elaine, don't panic. On the belt line of the automatie pilot there is a hollow tube. Can you see that?
Yes. Yes, I can see it.
McCROSKEY (v.o.) Good. Now that's the manual inflation nozzle. Pull it out and blow it up like a balloon.
Elaine kneels over automatic pilot's crotch, puts tube in her mouth and blows. Automatic pilot inflates. Rumack bursts into cockpit.
RUMACK'S POV Back of automatic pilot with Elaine kneeling over its crotch.
INT. PASSENGER CABIN - OUTSIDE OF COCKPIT - NIGHT Rumack slams the door in disbelief.
CLOSEUP - AUTOMATIC PILOT with a big smile on its face.
INT. PASSENGER CABIN - ANOTHER AREA - NIGHT Passengers are relieved as plane regains level flight.
EXT. AIRPLANE - THROUGH COCKPIT WINDOW - NIGHT Elaine and automatic pilot are relaxed in their seats. Both are smoking cigarettes.
INT. COCKPIT - NIGHT Rumack enters.
DR. RUMACK Elaine, you're a member of this crew. Can you face some unpleasant facts?
DR. RUMACK All right. Unless I can get all these people to a hospital quickly, I can't even be sure of saving their lives. Now, is there anyone else on board who can land this plane?
Well... INT. PASSENGER CABIN - NIGHT Striker, struggling with drinking problem, pours drink between his cheek and ear.
No. No one that I know of.
DR. RUMACK I think you ought to know what our chances are. The life of everyone on board depends on just one thing: finding someone back there who not only can fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner.
CAMERA ZOOMS into CLOSEUP of Elaine's face as she realizes the severity of the situation.
INT. PASSENGER CABIN - NIGHT Passengers are listening to P.A.