金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script


电影《金钱世界》改编自一起曾轰动世界的豪门绑架事件:世界首富保罗·盖蒂(克里斯托弗·普卢默 饰)之孙遭遇黑帮绑架,绑匪向其母盖尔(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 饰)索要1700万美元赎金,已经与丈夫离婚的盖尔无力支付这笔高昂的赎金,只能向盖蒂家族求救,但富可敌国却无比吝啬的老盖蒂却拒绝为孙子(查理·普拉默 饰)支付赎金,拿不到钱的绑匪丧心病狂的割下了人质的耳朵邮寄给盖蒂家族,心碎的盖尔在前CIA特工弗莱彻·蔡斯(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)的协助下,试图撼动这一僵局,解救自己的儿子……

The boy starts walking blindly along the highway. The doors close and the truck drives away, leaving Paul behind.
EXT. AGIP GAS STATION -- DAY The phone RINGS. Gail picks up. Chace starts the car.
CINQUANTA (O.S.) Three kilometers down the autostrada is a drain pipe. Paul waits there for you. Get him out of Italy asfast as you can, I beg you.
EXT. AUTOSTRADA -- DRAIN PIPE -- DAY The truck is gone. Paul waits a moment, then pulls off themask. There's no one around. There's a town in the distance.
CARABINERI POLICE CARS have begun to convergeon the scene from nearby villages. SEARCH TEAMS with dogscomb the forest. The are encircling the area. 111.
INT. COUNTING ROOM -- EVENING The money is stacked, bundled, zipped into the mailbags, andloaded onto a truck. Saverio Mammoliti hands out envelopesof cash to each of his employees, including Cinquanta.
Grazie, Signore.
In the distance, we hear DOGS BARKING. Mammoliti stops:
Cane. Molti. Polizia. Tradimento.
Mammoliti climbs into his waiting Mercedes. To his men: MAMMOLITI (CONT'D) Tornare indietro e prendere il ragazzo.
(subtitled) Go back and get the boy.
EXT. AUTOSTRADA -- DRAIN PIPE -- EVENING The boy is gone. Gail is still, silent, frightened.
He's not here, Chace.
They made the drop.
Chace frantically searches the snow on the hillside.
CHACE (CONT'D) Paul's a smart kid. What would youdo? You wouldn't wait here for them to change their minds.
Then he finds it, tossed into the drain pipe:
the ski mask. CHACE (CONT'D) He ran.
Chace looks down the highway, until he sees it on a nearbyhilltop:
the medieval-looking village of LAGONEGRO.
INT. GETTY MANSION -- MASTER BEDROOM -- NIGHT J Paul Getty wakes from his slumber with a start.
Who's there?
Getty is in a bedroom decorated in the ancient Roman style.
A great log fire burns in the fireplace.
Getty sits up in bed; the room is unfamiliar to him. There's a strangeness to his surroundings, as if the old man has come unmoored, "2001"-like, in time.