金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script


电影《金钱世界》改编自一起曾轰动世界的豪门绑架事件:世界首富保罗·盖蒂(克里斯托弗·普卢默 饰)之孙遭遇黑帮绑架,绑匪向其母盖尔(米歇尔·威廉姆斯 饰)索要1700万美元赎金,已经与丈夫离婚的盖尔无力支付这笔高昂的赎金,只能向盖蒂家族求救,但富可敌国却无比吝啬的老盖蒂却拒绝为孙子(查理·普拉默 饰)支付赎金,拿不到钱的绑匪丧心病狂的割下了人质的耳朵邮寄给盖蒂家族,心碎的盖尔在前CIA特工弗莱彻·蔡斯(马克·沃尔伯格 饰)的协助下,试图撼动这一僵局,解救自己的儿子……

Gail reaches into the freezer, pulls out a tray of ice, anddrops it onto the floor. Chace rubs ice cubes on his face.
CHACE (CONT'D) I lied. I said I was authorized to pay them $200,000. You know how much I'm really authorized to pay?
Nothing. If they accept I won't beable to deliver but I had to buysome time. You wanted to know what I used to do? This is what I used to do. What I still do, for Getty.
You "make deals." You "buy people."
That's right. Whether it's a pit ofgrease in the desert or a human lifeit's all the same. We have to show we're willing to walk away.
I can't walk away. You can walk away, because you have nothing tolose, because there's no one in yourworld but yourself.
Fair enough.
Chace goes to the door. As he leaves: 72.
CHACE (CONT'D) Seventeen million dollars and zero dollars. That's how far apart we are. Those numbers have got to move.
INT. GAIL'S APARTMENT -- NIGHT Gail lies in bed in the fetal position. The phone rings.
She goes to the kitchen and picks it up.
CINQUANTA (O.S.) Seven million dollars.
DIAL TONE. Gail is left holding the receiver. The numbers have just moved.
INT. ST. PETER'S BASILICA -- DAY GREAT SHAFTS OF LIGHT penetrate the darkness of the Basilica'svaulted dome. In a pew toward the rear Gail and Chace siteight feet apart, like a couple waiting to get a divorce.
When a man like you resorts to prayerI start to worry we're running outof options.
We're not here to pray. We're here to speak to the Archbishop Marcinckus.
The six-foot-six ARCHBISHOP MARCINCKUS approaches.
CHACE (CONT'D) Otherwise known as the Pope's Gorilla.
Marcinkus and Gail with their heads bowed in prayer.
MARCINKUS/GAIL Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae.
Chace sits watching a few rows back, like a man waiting in abus station. As their prayers are finished, he joins them.
Ms Getty, the Holy Pontiff himselfis praying today for the safe returnof your beautiful boy.
Thank you, Archbishop Marcinkus.
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GAIL (CONT'D) I was hoping you could use yourpersonal influence to help Paul.