一次偶然中,埃文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)遇见了性感美艳的脱衣舞女西德尼(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰),趣味相投的两人一见钟情,很快就打得火热。没想到,埃文是一个职业骗子,在他的鼓动和“爱情的力量”影响之下,西德尼毅然入伙,两人联手合作,将“事业”经营的有声有色。
一次偶然中,埃文(克里斯蒂安·贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)遇见了性感美艳的脱衣舞女西德尼(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰),趣味相投的两人一见钟情,很快就打得火热。没想到,埃文是一个职业骗子,在他的鼓动和“爱情的力量”影响之下,西德尼毅然入伙,两人联手合作,将“事业”经营的有声有色。
FLASH BACK TO: 125A EXT. STREET - NIGHT 125A YOUNGER TELLEGIO WALKS LAUGHING WITH A COLLEAGUE, LETS COLLEAGUE GET AHEAD AND TELLEGIO SUDDENLY PULLS PISTOL, FIRES THREE BULLETS WITH MUZZLE FLASH INTO MAN’S HEAD, MAN GOES TO GROUND, TELLEGIO FIRES ONCE MORE, DROPS CLIP FROM GUN AND SPITS ON BODY, WALKS DIRECTLY TO CAMERA MENACING. NOW BACK VICTOR TELLEGIO (CONT’D) You told him that? They didn't want the Jews to make money, they didn't want the Italians to make money, definitely don't want the blacks to make money. After the oil embargo -- the gasoline crisis -- the hijackings, the Olympics, they don't want to see Arabs make money, trust me, not on our soil. You can tell him this in your own way: I've been in the casino business forty years. It's scrutinized more carefully than any other business.