钝感之爱 Anesthesia Movie Script


哲学教授Walter Zarrow在一次抢劫中受伤。为了逃跑,他不分青红皂白地按蜂鸣器,吵醒了山姆,他是两个孩子的中年父亲,在这个城市有外遇。山姆不情愿地回答了扎罗的请求,扎罗在怀里失去了知觉。通过探索为什么这些人,以及抢劫犯和一个叫乔的瘾君子走到一起,我们探索了纽约市。Zarrow、Sam、Joe和Zarrow的袭击者的经历很快蔓延开来,其中包括一个与酗酒作斗争的家庭主妇、一个绝望地失去童贞的吸毒青少年、一个与毒瘾作斗争的才华横溢但失败的作家、两位面临绝症前景的父母,以及一个受伤让自己感觉活着的才华横溢的研究生。 Philosophy professor Walter Zarrow is wounded during a mugging. In an effort to escape he rings buzzers indiscriminately, waking Sam, a middle aged father of two having an affair in the city. Sam reluctantly answers Zarrow's pleas, and Zarrow loses consciousness in his arms. Through an exploration of why these men, along with the mugger, and an addict named Joe, come together, we explore New York City. The experience of Zarrow, Sam, Joe and Zarrow's assailant ripple quickly out to include the connected lives of a housewife struggling with alcoholism, a stoner teen desperate to lose his virginity, a brilliant but failed writer fighting addiction, two parents confronting the prospect of terminal illness, and a brilliant grad student who wounds herself to feel alive.

Get Hal.
Can you at least tell me?
No, not until you're both down here.
They think I'm gonna to be fine, honey.
It was just a big scare.
Oh, my God, oh, my God! Oh, my God.
Ah, careful, honey.
Go get your brother.
That might be difficult.
Are you f***ing kidding me?
He's at Greg's getting stoned.
He's at Amy's. He hopes losing his virginity.
Her parents are away for the weekend.
He said he did a risk assessment and the benefits outweighed the potential negatives.
Jesus Christ.
Honey, he can be in trouble in the morning.
Let's just be happy.
Pour me a glass of wine.
You're a lot more forgiving than I am.
If your clarinet should break Do not cry a million lakes Do not cry a million lakes Okay.
If the wind surrounds... Do not turn and twist about Just wait it out I love you, Hal.
I love you too.
If your hand should lose its grip I love you. I love you. I love you.
Do not tremble do not sweat For where then would you get Where then would you get - I'm sorry.