反物质 Anti Matter Movie Script


Anti Matter (AKA Worm) is a sci-fi noir take on the Alice in Wonderland tale. Ana, an Oxford PhD student, finds herself unable to build new memories following an experiment to generate and travel through a wormhole. The story follows her increasingly desperate efforts to understand what happened, and to find out who - or what - is behind the rising horror in her life. 《反物质》(AKA Worm)是一部科幻小说,取材于爱丽丝梦游仙境的故事。牛津大学博士生安娜在一次虫洞产生和穿越实验后,发现自己无法建立新的记忆。故事讲述了她越来越拼命地了解发生了什么,并找出谁-或什么-是她生活中不断上升的恐怖的幕后推手。

I can make matter disappear.
Oh, can you now? / Mhmm.
You ready?
You watching?
Yeah. / Good.
Ah... Okay.
One more time, okay?
Good. / I'm watching you.
I know.
Sh*t! I used to be able to do this.
I think you should probably stick to the piano.
Oh, thank you.
Ha! Very good. / I know.
But where did it go?
Up your sleeve.
You messed up the first two times on purpose, didn't you?
So the third time I wasn't paying attention and you picked it up with your other hand.
Show me.
Show me! Yes, I'm a genius.
Six years since we were undergrads together.
Second year physics.
Long time.
It is.