Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script



What the hell is this?
F.R.I.D.A.Y., what are they firing at?
Something just entered the upper atmosphere.
[A bright light of thundering energy comes surging down as Carol Danvers flies through the ship, and it results in an explosion and the ship crash-landing in the lake]
Oh, yeah!
Danvers, we need an assist here.
[Cut to Scott finally activating the Quantum Tunnel. Then cut to Carol Danvers landing near Peter, who is on the ground, weirdly hugging the gauntlet with his body.]
Hi. I'm– Peter Parker.
Hey, Peter Parker. You got something for me?
[Gets up and passes her the gauntlet] I don't know how you're gonna get it through all that.
[Wanda arrives, Valkyrie flying on her Pegasus as she arrives.]
Don't worry.
She's got help.
[Pepper lands next to Okoye, followed by Mantis, Shuri, the Wasp, 2014 Gamora and Nebula. Thanos' army charges while the women help Carol Danvers go through the Outriders, Sakaarans and Chitauri. 2014 Gamora takes out a gorilla, while Okoye takes out Corvus Glaive. Wanda and Valkyrie destroy two leviathans. Carol Danvers then starts flying towards the van with the Gauntlet, flying past enemies and going through enemy blockades that are in her way with ease. Thanos, seeing this, starts running to Carol Danvers, but is stopped by Pepper, Shuri and The Wasp, who blast him backwards. Thanos, after seeing Carol Danvers fly past him, throws his double sword at the van, destroying it and the quantum realm tunnel, throwing Carol Danvers backwards and losing her grip on the Gauntlet, which falls to the ground. Doctor Strange steadies the water after the explosion. In the final brawl for the Stark Gauntlet, Stark moves one of Thanos' enemies aside and sees the Gauntlet. He runs to get it, but sees Thanos, who Stark tackles. Thanos smacks Stark away, knocking him out. Then Thor arrives with Stormbreaker and 2013 Mjolnir in an attempt to pin Thanos' arm down, with assistance from Captain America. However, Thanos overpowers them and knocks them both out. After picking up the Gauntlet, Carol Danvers arrives, punching away at Thanos while he is holding the Gauntlet. She keeps punching him, but Thanos grabs her by the arm and flings her away. Thanos puts on the gauntlet, gamma radiation from the stones eating at him as he tries to snap, but Carol Danvers arises again, and stops his fingers from snapping, opening up his hand similar to what Captain America did in Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos headbutts her, but it does nothing. Just as Carol Danvers is gaining the upper hand by rising up and forcing Thanos onto his knees, Thanos pulls the Power Stone out of the Gauntlet and uses it in his free hand to hit Carol Danvers away. Stark looks in question at Strange, who simply raises one finger, reminding him that the one win over Thanos he foresaw is now at risk. Or is it? Stark nods. Thanos puts the Power Stone back into the Gauntlet, yelling from the gamma radiation coursing through him, until Stark makes one last attack on Thanos, pulling on the Gauntlet before Thanos punches him away.]
THANOS (2014):
I am– inevitable.
[Thanos snaps his fingers, but nothing happens except a metallic "clink." He sees the Infinity Stones are missing. Tony has the stones on his own gauntlet, the gamma radiation coursing through him, to Thanos' shock.]
And I– am– Iron Man.
[Tony snaps his fingers with a loud "CLANG" and a blinding flash of white. Rocket fires at a Leviathan and before it devours him, it crumbles into ash. The Black Order starts crumbling to ash. T'Challa and Quill look around in surprise; Steve looks on in exhaustion, knowing that they have won. Thanos, in horror, looks around and sees his entire army disintegrate. He looks at Steve, who just stares at him. Thanos sits down and mourns before slowly being erased from existence himself.] [Cut back to Tony. The power of the gauntlet raw energy has left his entire right side fatally injured. He stumbles for a bit before his body collapses besides a pile of debris. Rhodey soon flies in and goes up to Tony to see his long time colleague and friend fading away. He bows his head, knowing the damage was done. Peter Parker soon flies in and sees Tony collapsed on the ground.]
Mr. Stark? [He runs up to his fallen mentor. Tears start to form in his eyes] Hey– Mr. Stark? Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark– We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it. [He kneels] [Tony is unresponsive. Peter breaks down and hugs him.]
I'm sorry– Tony– [Peter is gently led aside to grieve. Pepper Potts sits in front of the fading Iron Man.]
[Tony is barely able to move his head, but manages to look Pepper in the eyes]
[quietly] Hey, Pep..
[Pepper places her hand on Tony's Arc Reactor and Tony rests his hand on hers. Pepper takes a good look at Tony's fatal injuries.] [pepper kneels]