带刀的辣妹 Babes with Blades Movie Script


在被维斯雷帝国占领的采矿殖民地德拉加的黑暗街道上,住着被称为萨尔尼亚人的一个可怕的武士种族最后一个成员阿祖拉。在目睹她曾经美丽的家园变成一个没有生命的外壳后,阿祖拉必须在角斗场中战斗到死才能活下来。与此同时,一群人类自由战士组成了一个抵抗组织,试图保护他们的家人免受维斯雷部门指挥官Sorrentine的压迫和残酷统治。阿祖拉不知道的是,德拉加上所有人类的命运都将掌握在她的手中。她能活到足够长的时间来拯救她的殖民地吗? On the dark streets of Draiga, a mining colony occupied by the Visray Empire, lives Azura, the last of a fearsome warrior race known as the Sarnians. After witnessing her once beautiful ...

Yes, but that was just for supplies and if we failed people would go without and it was only our lives on the line.
This is much bigger than that.
We don't have a choice.
If the Visray don't control the water, they can't control the people.
If this is a go, and I'm assuming it is a go, then we need to move and soon.
Every day we stay here we risk discovery.
Don't worry, Amber's an absolute genius when it comes to sorting out the impossible.
It's not a joke, Brook.
I didn't say it was.
I was just saying that if anyone can do it, you can.
No pressure then.
(laughs) (dramatic music) (grunting and chanting) Are you ready?
(cheers) You work hard for the empire.
Sometimes we push you too hard.
You will be rewarded.
(cheering) She carved her way to self-respect, the sexiest Azula.
(cheering and clapping) Look at her!
Unbeatable so far, but memories are short.
Not so long ago, another stood in her place.
A great leader, Section Commander Sorrentine has brought her back.
The mighty Dahlia!
Two champions enter but only one will leave.
Who will it be?
Skilled arms or the gods that they pray to?