巴比伦5:开端 Babylon 5: In the Beginning Movie Script


地球军队遇到了一个叫做明巴里的外星种族。通过一系列的事故和误解,一场战争爆发,几乎导致地球上每一个人的死亡。战争及其后果为电视剧《巴比伦5》,特别是其第一季提供了背景。 The Earth military encounters an alien race called the Minbari. Through a series of accidents and misunderstandings, a war breaks out that nearly results in the death of every human on Earth. The war and its aftermath provide the background for the TV series "Babylon 5," especially its first season.

Every attempt we've made to communicate with them has been rebuffed.
They are moving methodically through the outer colonies wiping out our defense structures and leaving the colonies vulnerable.
Civilian structures are being left alone for now.
Now we know the Minbari use a caste system including a warrior caste.
And we think they're fighting in a way consistent with that structure taking out our warriors first, and coming back for the rest later.
They intend to eliminate our defensive capability all the way to Earth.
Then, with no one to stop them, they'll head back out again and finish the job of wiping out every last man woman and child of the Human race.
Since the first engagement we haven't won one battle from the enemy.
Their ships are immensely superior to our own.
And they use stealth technology we have not been able to beat yet.
We called you here because we wanted you to see the situation for yourselves.
We want you to go back to your units and make them understand two things: One, we need a victory against these forces, any victory, to increase morale.
Two, that unless we find a way to defeat the Minbari the Human race ends with the current generation.
There's got to be a way to beat them, John.
But you saw those records.
Any ship that comes up against them loses.
I've never believed in the idea of an undefeatable enemy, sir.
Any ship can be destroyed.
I hope to hell you're right.
It'll be a few more days before the Lexington is fully outfitted the engines recharged.
You can see your folks.
But you're going to need me here, sir.
- They'll understand.
- Are you sure?