Back to the Future 回到未来 1985 Movie Script


在这部20世纪80年代的经典科幻小说中,加利福尼亚小镇青少年Marty McFly(迈克尔·J·福克斯饰)被带回了50年代,当时他古怪的科学家朋友Doc Brown(克里斯托弗·劳埃德饰)的一项实验出了问题。Marty开着一辆改装过的DeLorean汽车穿越时空,遇到了年轻版的父母(Crispin Glover、Lea Thompson饰),必须确保他们相爱,否则他将不复存在。更令人生畏的是,马蒂不得不回到自己的时代,拯救布朗医生的生命。In this 1980s sci-fi classic, small-town California teen Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) is thrown back into the '50s when an experiment by his eccentric scientist friend Doc Brown (Christopher Lloyd) goes awry. Traveling through time in a modified DeLorean car, Marty encounters young versions of his parents (Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson), and must make sure that they fall in love or he'll cease to exist. Even more dauntingly, Marty has to return to his own time and save the life of Doc Brown.

The flux capacitor.
It's taken me almost thirty years and my entire family fortune to realize the vision of that day, my god has it been that long. Things have certainly changed around here. I remember when this was all farmland as far as the eye could see. Old man Peabody, owned all of this.
He had this crazy idea about breeding pine trees.
This is uh, this is heavy duty, Doc, this is great. Uh, does it run on regular unleaded gasoline?
Unfortunately no, it requires something with a little more kick, plutonium.
Uh, plutonium, wait a minute, are you telling me that this sucker's nuclear?
Hey, hey, keep rolling, keep rolling there. No, no, no, no, this sucker's electrical. But I need a nuclear reaction to generate the one point twenty-one gigawatts of electricity that I need.
Doc, you don't just walk into a store and ask for plutonium. Did you rip this off?
Of course, from a group of Libyan Nationalists. They wanted me to build them a bomb, so I took their plutonium and in turn gave them a shiny bomb case full of used pinball machine parts.
Let's get you into a radiation suit, we must prepare to reload.
Safe now, everything's let lined. Don't you lose those tapes now, we'll need a record.
Wup, wup, I almost forgot my luggage. Who knows if they've got cotton underwear in the future. I'm allergic to all synthetics.
The future, it's where you're going?
That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Uh, Doc.
Uh, look me up when you get there.
Indeed I will, roll em. I, Doctor Emmett Brown, am about to embark on an historic journey.
What have I been thinking of, I almost forgot to bring some extra plutonium. How did I ever expect to get back, one pallet one trip I must be out of my mind. What is it Einy? Oh my god, they found me, I don't know how but they found me. Run for it, Marty.
Who, who?
Who do you think, the Libyans.
Holy sh*t.
Unroll their fire.
Doc, wait. No, bastards.