荒野 Backcountry Movie Script


年情侣亚历克斯(杰夫·鲁普 Jeff Roop 饰)和珍(梅西·帕瑞格兰 Missy Peregrym 饰)相约来到一处偏远的山区丛林度假,他选择了充满惊喜的黑脚线路,在远离城市喧嚣的静僻所在,他们品味到珍贵难得的快乐。然而凡事总无法达到完满,第一晚毫无心机的珍与陌生人布莱德(艾里克·巴弗尔 Eric Balfour 饰),让偶然撞见这一幕的亚历克斯心生不快。晚餐在尴尬压抑的气氛中完成,所幸他们最后总算送走了布莱德。只不过霉运似乎就此跟上了这对情侣,夜晚传来的恐怖声响,帐篷外被粗暴折断的树枝,以及因自身原因造成的各种突发状况,都将他们推向了万劫不复的深渊…… 本片根据真实事件改编. An urban couple go camping in the Canadian wilderness - where unimaginable beauty sits alongside our most primal fears. Alex (Jeff Roop) is a seasoned outdoorsman while Jenn (Missy Peregrym), a corporate lawyer, is not. After much convincing, and against her better judgment, she agrees to let him take her deep into a Provincial Park to one of his favorite spots - the secluded Blackfoot Trail. On their first night, deep in the forest, they have an unsettling encounter with Brad (Eric Balfour), a strange alpha male with eyes for Jenn who may or may not be following them. Alex's desire to quickly reach Blackfoot Trail only intensifies. They push further and further into the woods, Alex stubbornly insisting that he remembers the way. After three days their path disappears; they are hopelessly lost. Without food or water, they struggle to find their way back, the harsh conditions bringing out the best and worst in them, pushing their already fragile relationship to the breaking point.

When was it?
I don't... Maybe the fork in the trail.
The first one, the second one?
First one.
Are you serious?
Come on, don't freak out!
I don't want to be freaking out rig ht now, but we are in the middle of f***ing nowhere!
We don't have anything, we don't have a map, we don't have a cell phone!
We don't have anything, we haven't seen anyone in so long!
It's okay. Why, why did we have to come so far out on my first camping trip?
Why couldn't it have just been a regular trip?
Why do you always have to show off?
I'm not showing off--
Why do you always try to impress me?!
I'm not trying to impress you, okay?!
Good, 'cause I'm not f***ing impressed rig ht now!
I'm not trying to f***ing impress you!
Alex, could we be honest for a second?
I'd love to be honest for once.
I wish I never came.
This whole thing was a mistake.
Come on, Jenn, don't- We should be going home tomorrow, but you f***ed it up!
You always f*** it all up, you're such a f***ing loser!
This stupid lake, why did we have to come here?!