疯狂高尔夫 Caddyshack Movie Script


在一家独家高尔夫俱乐部发生的滑稽事件。所有的成员都很富有,性格古怪,所有的员工都很穷,性格稍不古怪。主角是“丹尼”;他是一个球童,几乎可以做任何事情来筹集资金上大学。有很多小情节,包括助理饲养员对一只可爱的(显然是填充的)地鼠的追求。 Comical goings on at an exclusive golf club. All the members are wealthy and eccentric, and all the staff are poor and slightly less eccentric. The main character is 'Danny'; he's a caddy who will do almost anything to raise money to go to college. There are many subplots, including the assistant green keeper's pursuit of a cute (obviously stuffed) gopher.

All right, kids! Rise and shine!
Let's go, everybody!
Come on, girls! Enough with the hair!
Turn off that radio!
I talked to Pete Scalary last night.
He's going to get that training bra back to you real soon. Who's in here?
Danny saw me naked!
You think you're cool!
-Who are you? What's your name?
Did you brush your teeth?
Both of them.
When will you get a haircut?
Who is this?
That's your nephew!
What are we running, a restaurant?
Did you get out yesterday?
I caddied for Ty Webb in the morning and I had doubles in the afternoon.
How much is that?
It's about $30 plus tips.
Put it in the college fund!
He's like a three-year old!
You must tell him every time he gets some money.
When you get back from Little League let's do some painting on this house.