疯狂高尔夫 Caddyshack Movie Script


在一家独家高尔夫俱乐部发生的滑稽事件。所有的成员都很富有,性格古怪,所有的员工都很穷,性格稍不古怪。主角是“丹尼”;他是一个球童,几乎可以做任何事情来筹集资金上大学。有很多小情节,包括助理饲养员对一只可爱的(显然是填充的)地鼠的追求。 Comical goings on at an exclusive golf club. All the members are wealthy and eccentric, and all the staff are poor and slightly less eccentric. The main character is 'Danny'; he's a caddy who will do almost anything to raise money to go to college. There are many subplots, including the assistant green keeper's pursuit of a cute (obviously stuffed) gopher.

All right, show yourself, little varmint!
If you've got the guts!
Son of a b*tch.
Where did you go? Oh, hi, Carl.
Mind if I play through?
Sure. Go right ahead. Are you getting in a late night or something?
I was just loosening up a bit.
Was that your ball I heard rambling through here?
Yeah. Did you see my ball?
-That's it!
-It's right here.
Is this your place?
What do you think?
It's really awful.
Well, I have a lot of things on order.
You know, credit trouble.
I'm an assistant greenskeeper.
They say that doesn't mean anything until I'm the head greenskeeper.
Can you get me a ruling on this?
Make yourself comfortable.
No, I don't want to stick to anything.
Take this thing off. This is dirty.
Don't go to any trouble.
Fire her up.