伏魔神剑Camelot Movie Script


英国国王亚瑟与圭尼维尔的婚姻故事在卡梅洛特的华丽表演中上演。私生子莫德雷德获得王位的阴谋,加上圭尼维尔对兰斯洛特爵士的日益依恋,她起初深恶痛绝,这可能会推翻亚瑟,摧毁他“圆桌”的骑士们,而这些骑士们会利用自己的力量为正义而战。 The story of the marriage of England's King Arthur to Guinevere is played out amid the pagentry of Camelot. The plot of illegitimate Modred to gain the throne and Guinevere's growing attachment to Sir Lancelot, whom she at first abhors, threaten to topple Arthur and destroy his "round table" of knights who would use their might for right.

CIemency is granted.
Is he dead?
Bruce has withdrawn the accusation.
And Arthur?
What an agony for him.
Seven of his knights banished.
If those charges had not been withdrawn what wouId I have done?
Commit murder?
I don't know.
At Ieast he's stiII spared the anguish of the truth.
He knows.
-I'm certain.
-He couIdn't.
Arthur wouId never banish the knights so unjustIy.
It's your conscience taIking.
It's impatient for you to be punished.
He knows!
WeII, why wouId he change the Iaw?
RuIe out the use of swords to settIe disputes and repIace it with a court and judge?
-He hasn't done that.
-He's preparing to!
And if no evidence can be produced then the matters cannot be disputed at aII.
And there wiII be no evidence.
-He'II see to that.