间接伤害 Collateral Damage Movie Script


A family man (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is plunged into the complex and dangerous world of international terrorism after he loses his wife and child in a bombing. Frustrated with the official investigation and haunted by the thought that the man responsible for murdering his family might never be brought to justice, he takes matters into his own hands and tracks his quarry ultimately to Colombia. 消防员戈登(阿诺•施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)有一个美好幸福的小家庭。然而,却遭遇飞来横祸:哥伦比亚的恐怖分子为了自己的目的在洛山矶市的繁华路段炸毁了一栋大楼,迟到的戈登亲眼目睹了爆炸引起的大火将在大楼前等侯自己的妻儿活活烧死,然而美国官方只给了戈登四个字解释――间接伤害。虽然戈登四处奔走,呼吁将凶徒乘之于法,然而哥伦比亚官方称这是叛军所为,而这伙叛军已和政府军进行了长达10年的内战,政府也没有办法将匪徒缉拿归案。官方软弱的行为彻底激怒了戈登,戈登决心亲自前往哥伦比亚找出这伙恐怖分子让他们血债血偿!

114 GORDY AND OTHERS 114 stop mid-stream, but one of the group, a young woman, believing the blast was caused by the pursuing military, continues struggling to cross. An OLDER MAN looks, sees the blast-hole.
Gordy realizes the old man's saying "land mine." To the young woman -
Gordy moves to catch her. Just manages to stop her asshe reaches the far bank. Gordy points to where the landmine detonated.
Mina... Mina... Beat. Slowly, the terrified young woman responds to thestrong, calm tone of command in Gordy's voice and theunpanicked, reassuring look on his face.
Gordy brings her back to the group, which fights to standin the rushing river. He indicates for them to hold hands for stability. Motions for them to stay.
115 GORDY 115 leaves the group in the middle of the river. The GUNFIRE is now FAR-OFF AND SPORADIC. He crosses to the water's edge on the far bank. Pulls the Zippo from his pack andleans over. Uses the flame to illuminate the mud and rock immediately in front of him. Scratches lightly atthe ground with the machete, searching for mines. Finds nothingin that spot. And steps onto it.
Searching the ground and scratching at it with themachete before each step, Gordy inches toward the Man inthe Yankees Cap. Three steps from the river... (CONTINUED) 47.
115 CONTINUED: 115 He finds a small, round anti-personnel mine the size of ahockey puck. He inches past it. Moves past another.
And another. To the writhing Man in the Yankees Cap!-GORDY Don't move... Don't move... 116 NEW ANGLE 116 Finally, Gordy reaches him. One of the man's legs ismissing below the knee. He's bleeding from various otherwounds as well. Gordy uses the Zippo to inspect the areafor more mines. Then kneels in a footprint.
You'll be okay... You'll be okay.
He takes a bandanna from the man and ties a tourniquetaround his thigh. By way of distracting him -GORDY Guerrilla bastards.
MAN IN YANKEES CAP No... Military... To stopguerrillas.
Gordy finishes the tourniquet, when he sees... 117 YOUNG MAN 117 has left the group and emerged from the river in adifferent place to avoid the mines.
Gordy's eyes go to something glistening in front of theyoung man -- a taut nylon line ten inches off the ground.
The kid's about to hit it. Gordy shouts -GORDY No! Alto!
The young man hears the alarm in Gordy's voice andstops... But not before he plants his next step, and... The trip wire bows against his shin, and... Gordy ducks, covers the Man in the Yankees Cap, and... Nothing happens. The young man just stands there, frozenin position, his leg still bowing the line.
117 CONTINUED: 117 Using the Zippo again to light his way, Gordy advances tothe young man. He follows the trip wire to where a Coca- Cola can hangs from a nearby tree. On closer inspection, Gordy can see the can is sleeved around a grenade.
There's no pin in the grenade. The can keeps thegrenade's arming spoon in place. The trip wire'sdesigned to yank the can off, allowing the grenade toexplode at chest level... And the can's almost off.
Gordy burns through the monofilament trip wire. Then carefully slides the Coke can back over the grenade.
118 MAN IN YANKEES CAP - MOMENTS LATER 118 When Gordy returns, the man's dead. OFF Gordy, lookingdown at the NY logo on the cap... 119 EXT./INT. ANOTHER CHIVA - DAY 119 Gordy sees a sign for a town as the chiva rumbles along.