躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script

杰瑞发布于26 Oct 15:00

一个真正的Underdog Story 喜剧电影

Here, put that on.
All right, ladies, buckle up.
It's showtime.
Dodge, duck, dip. Dive.
Dip. Dive. Dodge.
I've got three weeks to whip you suck-ass failure junkies into shape.
Come on. I get better runs in my shorts.
Catch a ball, one of their guys goes out.
One of our guys comes back in.
That's the way you hurt 'em.
That's the way you win.
Let's go. A little hustle here.
That's really good, Peter.
Come on. Only 19 miles to go.
Next man.
Good luck to you, Gordon.
Remember it's 90% mental.
If you can dodge traffic, you can dodge a ball.
You got it, Gord.
- I'm fine. I'm OK.
- OK, there.