布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script


aka= as known as

Goodbye, Mr. Wieck, a safe journey home Goodbye - Which way are you headed?
- To the Hotel Duna Then we'll keep you company a bit Mr. Aradi, your piece is wonderful Do you have a title for it?
Yes, it's called "Gloomy Sunday" What do you think?
A little melancholy, but pretty We should record it With the title gold on red on the label Miss llona, Would you be my wife?
What, right now?
Come with me to Berlin It's the most exciting place on Earth Germany has awoken And it's time you went off to sleep I've started my own company I'm going to export German craftsmanship all over the world I'll create the biggest import-export company in Germany... just for you I'm sorry I laughed Miss llona, I love you Please... marry me No I go this way... Good night!
Good night, sleep well Good night. And thank you Good night He wrote you a lovely song I told you he'd fallen for you And I for him, a bit Don't worry about me I've always said everyone must be free to decide I'll just keep walking.
That will make it easier for you to decide It's a strange song As if someone were saying something you don't want to hear But deep inside you know it's the truth I have to go now Herr wieck! Herr Wieck!
Heartache is a terrible thing. I know You must try and think of the good things in life Our Magyar roulade, for instance!
The beef roll you love so much!
Do you want to know the recipe?
You cut a nice tender fillet into thin slices then you melt butter in the pan Just as the butter starts to release its aroma, add a garlic clove But whole!
So the butter gets just a mild touch of garlic Then add the fillets, and saute Do you remember the filling?
Ham... Good Hungarian ham and cheese, sliced very thin And then, when you cut a slice from the roulade... Your tongue is tantalized by three separate tastes They are so different, and go so well together... that with the next bite, you'll be sure and have all three on the fork Ham and cheese. It was good Budapest-Berlin Express ready for departure form Track 1 That'll be the right one Laszlo... Don't say anything. Come on You, and your beef rolls have given me back my life I'll never forget it Saving someone else from drowning was the best thing that could have happened to me last night I'll get you back for that An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth A blind and toothless restaurateur would be pretty useless The same goes for import-exporters!
You're right Survival of the fittest That's not what I meant. Darwin's animal theories don't have to apply to us Animals behave like animals, people behave like people Or at least, they should We'll meet again Don't tell llona I jumped into the Danube Sleep well?
Good morning I borrowed some sugar - I thought you'd like some in your coffee - Yes The portfolio is from my conservatory professor It was a parting gift "It's a poor pupil who doesn't overtake his master" He was convinced that one day I would be a famous composer He was wrong You might still be, one day Play for me Only if you'll sing for me I only sing when I'm alone I'm not alone now Just look at this!
Look how thick the peel is They'll cook up mealy, only good for mashing Well then, mush them!
So, what's it going to be?
I'm not paying 20 Filler a pound for mealy potatoes!
Why don't you open up I'll be there in a minute You go ahead I want to be here if you're going to be talking about me We have to talk Why not?
- It won't help - What would then?
I don't know I've known llona for four years, and I'm slowly realizing... Everybody would like it all something for the body, something for the soul Something that fills you up, something that makes you hungry And llona takes just that A Laszlo, and an Andras I'd still rather have a part of llona than on llona at all What about the potatoes?
They're from Vienna They came for a concert They were talking about making a record of the violin solo So?
Ah! Vienna Bring them coffee and schnapps I'll do the rest When llona brings thoes gentlemen coffee, play your song Nice suit There you are - Your health, gentlemen - Cheers Budapest... That's Budapest... Would you care for anything else?
Tell me... what is that music?