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He just doesn't understand So he can't find out about our little "transactions" He won't. He has his hands full trying to win his war We can make our preparations for the future undisturbed But we must be careful not to stray too far outside the law Of course. But the beauty and vibrancy of the law lies in its flexible boundaries To your health, Colonel Colonel, sir - That's quite a woman - She certainly is - We still have the transportation problem - I mightjust have an idea What's entering Germany in large quantity at the moment? Szabo, you tell ajoke for a change Even a Jewish joke... we're very tolerant There was this commandant in a concentration camp, named Muller And he had a glass eye When the mood struck him, Commandant Muller would call over an inmate ...to prove to him the quality of German craftsmanship: If the prisoner could tell him which of his eyes was fake, he was spared If the prisoner guessed wrong, he'd be shot Jakob Korngold took a look at the commandant, and said 'Why, my Commandant, the left one is the glass eye 'How did you figure it out so quickly? ' Whereupon Jakob Korngold said 'You see, my Commandant, 'it's the one that favors me with a kindly look' Good joke, Szabo Very good joke And now, you, play the famous song for us! Watch what happens now Play Gloomy Sunday, not long until evening... In dark shadows, my loneliness grieving Eyes closed, and before me you go, But you sleep, and I wait for morrow Play it for me I see figures, and send you this plea Tell the angels to leave room for me Gloomy Sunday So many Sundays, alone in the shadows, I will go now with night, wherever it goes Eyes glisten as candles burn bright Weep not, friends, my burden is light With a last breath I return to my home, safe in the land of the shadows I roam Gloomy Sunday He used my gun llona! I mean Jews Of coures, getting them out will cost... jewelry, silver, gold Even currency But only Swiss francs and Dollars No genguis and No Reichsmarks to cover expenses I see We can keep people from going up a chimney Germans have such lovely expressions blitzkrieg, going up a chimney So vivid You picture someone being shoved in at the bottom and floating out at the top, with wings on their back Is that supposed to be funny? You're right. And the devils are increasig in number every day $1000 per person is the minimum that's really not much If a person is 27 when they leave the country, say, and lives to be 70 Then they've had 43 years, or 516 months more of life So it works out to less than $2 a month for their lives - What rent alone costs - We can forget it Then it won't cost your friends anything, except their lives Bring anyone who's interested to my villa But not berfore 6 p.m. And not more than three at one time Make sure they cover up the yellow star And you don't need to worry Your name is at the very top of a list of people who will not be subjected to special treatment unless I expressly approve it "Special treatment" another one of those words I think I just understood the message of "Gloomy Sunday" That Andras was always seeking? The Lindstroem Record Company There's also a letter Thank you Dear Miss Varnai, dear Mr. Szabo, Our dear Mr. Andras Aradi left instructions that, after his death, royalties from "Gloomy Sunday" be paid to you in equal shares Enclosed please find the current semi-annual statement, Yours sincerely I'm beginning to like it too much Laszlo!