爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script



- Trust me, you can't handle half of what this guy can.
- What guy?
- From the best church of god radio network, this is break on through to the lord.
Join us for the next hour as medium Craig Leeham shows us firsthand, the rewards awaiting those who live a Christian life.
Hi, I'm pastor Dave.
If you're a returning listener, welcome back.
If you're new to the program, well then, you are in for something special.
As always, I'm here with Craig Leeham.
For the past two years, Craig's been revealing to us, not only how much god loves us in this life, but in the next as well.
How are you tonight, Craig?
- I'm fine, pastor Dave, just fine.
I'm looking forward to helping some of those of you out there who, although, you've accepted Christ into your lives, having a little trouble feeling god's love due to the loss of a loved one.
- As you may suspect, Craig's been blessed with a special gift.
A tragic accident robbed him of his sight in this life but the lord has allowed him to see into the next.
Ladies and gentlemen, Craig Leeham doesn't merely talk to the dearly departed, he sees them.
Craig, I think we all want to know.
What does heaven look like?
- Well, pastor Dave, it's, uh, it's very beautiful over there.
- Amen.
Okay, let's get started.
We have our first caller already.
It's a Judith Lamulfa from Colorado Springs.
Are you there Judith?
- Hi, pastor Dave, how are you?