Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

Now you can leave your door open and no one will steal your bikes.
OMAR (CONT’D) Hadda Al-baab kaaga oo furan waad dhaafi kartaa ma jiro qof baaskiil kaaga xadayo.
(Haad-dah Al Baab kaaga afuran waad dhaafi kaarta majjeero kof baaskeel kaagah haa da yo.) MUSA (CONT’D) Haye. (Haa ye.) ALIA drops her empty basket in the bakery.
OMAR reaches into his pocket and pays MUSA.
ALIA exits the bakery and picks up her hula hoop. As OMAR is exiting the gate with his repaired bicycle, she starts swinging it on her hips.
OMAR glances back disapprovingly at ALIA, forcing MUSA to immediately admonish her.
Alia! What are you doing?
ALIA immediately stops.
Sorry, papa.
What were you thinking of?
MUSA (CONT’D) Al-liya, Maxaad Sameyneysaa?
(Al-liya mahad samen-ney-sa?) ALIA (CONT’D) Igi Raali noqo Aabe.
(Igraali nokko Aah-be.) MUSA (CONT’D) Maxaad ka Fikreysaa?
(Mahad ka fik-ray-saa?) YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 47.
ALIA ALIA (CONT’D) I don’t know papa. Ma Agaano Aabe.
(Ma Akaano Aah be.) She stands still, awaiting more punishment.
MUSA (CONT’D) Never again!
Mardan be yaan arkin adigo fikraaya!
(Mardum bear yaan arkeen adeego fik raa ya!) ALIA ALIA (CONT’D) Yes papa. Haye Aabe. (Haa yay Aah be.) OMAR smiles insincerely and wheels away his bicycle.
As the gate swings closed behind him, MUSA turns to ALIA.
You must learn to be more careful.
I don’t know whether he supports the militia or if he is just pretending to because he thinks I do -but we take no chances. We trust no one.
And you never ever do that in front of a man.