Eye In The Sky Movie Script


在肯尼亚内罗毕,一名中将(艾伦·里克曼饰)和一名上校(海伦·米伦饰)下令进行无人机导弹袭击,以消灭一群自杀式炸弹袭击者,他们面临政治反对。A lieutenant general (Alan Rickman) and a colonel (Helen Mirren) face political opposition after ordering a drone missile strike to take out a group of suicide bombers in Nairobi, Kenya.

No, papa.
MUSA (CONT’D) Waa inaad si fiican wax u barataa iskuna badnaataa.
(Wa innad siffee un wah u barataa iskoo nah budnaa tah.) ALIA (CONT’D) Haye. (Haa yay.) MUSA (CONT’D) Aniga Ma agaano mana taageerayo maleeshiyada iyo Haddey si Qalden ila hadlaan ama ila dhaqmaan laakin waxaan qaadanaya fursad. Mana Aminayo qof walbo, adiganah weligaaga. Mardanbe, haku ciyaarin nin hortiisa ama dadka ii imaanaya hortooda.
(Aneega ma akaano mannah taage- rey-yo militia-dah iyoh hadday si qualdan illah hadlaan ama illah dhak-maan laakin wah-haan qadah-nayah foor sud. Ma amee-ney-yo qoof walbo, adee-gana welli gaa gaa maar-dum-bay haako-i-yarin neen hortisa amaah daddkaa i imaan-ney-ya hortoodah.) ALIA (CONT’D) Maya Aabe. (May ya Aah-be.) YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 48.
MUSA (CONT’D) Never again, okay?
Marnaba ha isku deyin haye dheh?
(Mar-nabbah-haa-is-koo day in haa yay dheh?) ALIA ALIA (CONT’D) Yes, papa - but I can do it Haye Aabe, laakin adiga in front of you? hortooda waan ku ciyaari karaa soo maahan?
(Haa yay Aah bay, laakin adeegah hortoodah waan ku iyaaree karaa so mahaan?) A beat. MUSA puts his arms around her and hugs her close.
MUSA (CONT’D) Yes, of course.
Haa, waad ku ciyaari kortaa horteyda.
(Haa, wad koo ee yaa ree kartaa hortoodah.) ALIA picks up her hoop again and starts to swing her hips.
The hula hoop soon whizzes around her body. MUSA smiles. Now ALIA has the rhythm going - faster and more expressive - her whole body and soul determined to be free.
Her defiance is exhilarating.
111 EXT. KENYAN MARKET AREA - PARKLANDS - AFTERNOON 111 JAMA’S VAN pulls up beside a STREET VENDOR selling stacks of coloured plastic buckets.
JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) How much? Meego waaye? (Merko why yay?) STREET VENDOR: STREET VENDOR (CONT’D) One eighty each.
Halka xabo waa sided shilling.
(Halka haabo wa deed shill- ling.) JAMA JAMA (CONT’D) One thousand five hundred. Kun iyo shan bogol For all of them. dhamaantooda.
(Koon ee-yo-shan bokoll dammaan- toodah.) STREET VENDOR STREET VENDOR (CONT’D) (eyes popping)Haye Mudane!
Yes sir! (Haai yay Moo dan-nay!) YELLOW SHOOTING SCRIPT 12 September 2014 49.
112 INT. GROUND CONTROL STATION - NIGHT 112 The Reaper image hovers over Amadu’s house.
We now see that Alia’s compound borders this house - and in the corner of the image, we make out ALIA twirling her hoop.
MUSA watches her as he repairs a bicycle.
Look at that little girl.
A long beat as he and CARRIE look. CARRIE tightens on ALIA a bit, without losing the house next door.
Isn’t she great.