阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script


美国1994年汤姆·汉克斯主演电影《阿甘正传》是由罗伯特·泽米吉斯执导的电影,由汤姆·汉克斯、罗宾·怀特等人主演,于1994年7月6日在美国上映。电影上映后,于1995年获得奥斯卡最佳影片奖、最佳男主角奖、最佳导演奖等6项大奖。 Slow-witted Forrest Gump (Tom Hanks) has never thought of himself as disadvantaged, and thanks to his supportive mother (Sally Field), he leads anything but a restricted life. Whether dominating on the gridiron as a college football star, fighting in Vietnam or captaining a shrimp boat, Forrest inspires people with his childlike optimism. But one person Forrest cares about most may be the most difficult to save -- his childhood love, the sweet but troubled Jenny (Robin Wright). EXT. A SAVANNAH STREET - DAY (1981) A feather floats through the air. The falling feather. A city, Savannah, is revealed in the background. The feather floats down toward the city below. The feather drops down toward the street below, as people walk past and cars drive by, and nearly lands on a man's shoulder. He walks across the street, causing the feather to be whisked back on its journey.

BOY #2 Are you retarded, or just plain stupid?
BOY #3 Look, I'm Forrest Gump.
Jenny helps Forrest back up. Boy #1 and Boy #2 throw more dirt clods at Forrest.
Just run away, Forrest.
Another dirt clod hits Forrest in the arm.
Run, Forrest! Forrest tries to run along the road, but his braces makes it impossible. He hobbles along as Jenny yells after him.
Run away! Hurry! Boy #1 and Boy #2 turn back toward the bikes.
BOY #2 Get the bikes! BOY #3 Hurry up! The boys pick up their bikes and ride after Forrest.
BOY #3 Let's get him! Come on! BOY #2 Look out, dummy, here we come! The boys ride after Forrest. Jenny stands and watches.
BOY #2 We're gonna get you!
Run, Forrest! Run! Forrest hobbles along the dirt road.
Run, Forrest! Forrest looks over his shoulder. The three boys race on their bikes.
BOY #1 Come back here, you! Forrest begins to run faster with his braces on. Forrest continues running as the boys chase him. Blood drips down from a cut on his head. The boys on the bikes are gaining on Forrest. Forrest hobbles along. He begins to gain speed.
Run, Forrest! Run! SLOW MOTION -- Forrest runs from the chasing room. He looks over his shoulder in fear.
The boys on the bikes peddle faster as they gain on Forrest, running.
Forrest tries to run even faster to get away. Suddenly his braces shatter, sending steel and plastic flying into the air.
Forrest runs and look down at his legs in surprise.
Forrest continues to run faster as the metal braces and straps fly off his legs.
Forrest runs free of his braces and begins to pick up speed.
The chasing boys ride over the remains of Forrest's braces.
FORREST (V.O.) Now, you wouldn't believe it if I told you.
But I can run like the wind blows.
The black woman continues to read her magazine. Forrest smiles as he remembers.
From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running! EXT. OAK ALLEY - DAY (1954) Forrest sprints away from the boys. The boys stop the chase and watch in disbelief. Forrest is already at the far end of the road, clear of the chasing boys.