(to exec #1) You're suspect. I don't know what your reputation is, but after the sh*t you tried to pull today, you can bet I'll be looking into it. Any conversations you want to have with me heretofore, you can have with my attorney. Gentlemen, keep your ears to the grindstone.(对执行官#1说)你有嫌疑。我不知道你的声誉是什么,但在你今天试图拉屎之后,你可以打赌我会调查的。到目前为止,你想和我进行的任何对话,都可以和我的律师进行。先生们,请专心听讲。- CUT TO:
Rich? I have an inheritance. It's two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. That's exactly what it'll cost me, minus about five hundred bucks, to go all the way through med school. This is what I'm doing with that money. I could have done anything I wanted. I could have expanded my wardrobe, substantially.有钱?我有遗产。这是二十五万美元。这正是我读完医学院要花的钱,减去大约五百美元。这就是我用这笔钱做的。我本可以做任何我想做的事。我本可以大幅扩充我的衣柜。