希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script


希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史;对欧巴马与希拉里的分析很好 但过度宣传共和党稍微有点太偏颇了

- Is it done?
- Yes, sir.
[D'Souza] With the slaves, Jackson didn't just steal their labor.
What is it about Democratic presidents and innocent, young women?
Why did the Democrats elect a racist like Jackson?
Because the party was racist through and through.
The Republican Party formed from opposition to the idea of extending slavery into the territories and requiring free states to return runaway slaves.
The most notorious defender of slavery was Democratic senator John C. Calhoun, Andrew Jackson's vice president.
Traditionally, slavery was defended as a necessary evil, but Calhoun went further, arguing that slavery benefited both the master and the slave.
Instead of an evil, a good... a positive good.
[D'Souza] A moral justification for slavery?
No, this was a con man's pitch.
Today's Democrats try to duck their party's responsibility for slavery by blaming it on the South.
But, in fact, the Northern Democrats also protected slavery.
Their ingenious advocate was Illinois senator Stephen Douglas.
Douglas thought each state, each territory, should decide for itself if it wanted slavery, and he envisioned slavery lasting forever, not just in America, but spreading to other countries as well.
The Republican Party was born with a single overriding purpose..
to stop the spread of slavery.
When Republican senator Charles Sumner, in 1856, vehemently denounced slavery, he got a most extraordinary response from Democratic congressman Preston Brooks.
[all shouting] [D'Souza] The attack nearly killed him.
The Democrats support slavery and think it should be extended, while we Republicans oppose slavery.
[D'Souza] Lincoln understood slavery was a form of theft.
[coughs] [auctioneer calling] Sixty-five... [continues calling] - Seventy-five? Sold! - Right over here.
[D'Souza] Slavery is the theft of a person's life and freedom and the fruit of their labor.
As Lincoln put it, ''You work, I eat. '' - A toast to the Democratic Party.