希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史Hillary's America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party Movie Script


希拉里的美国:民主党的秘密历史;对欧巴马与希拉里的分析很好 但过度宣传共和党稍微有点太偏颇了

[all] No! And he shall enter the same parlor and take his seat beside the wife and daughter of the white man... [all] No! ...whether the white man is willing or not! [all] No! [D'Souza] The civil rights revolution of the 1960s did nothing more than secure guarantees for equal rights and voting rights that had already been put into the Constitution 1 00 years previously by the Republican Party.
And here's a little-known fact.
More Republicans than Democrats voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act.
Today's Democrats take credit for civil rights legislation, But what was their contribution?
They finally agreed to stop filibustering it so it could pass.
You've heard about ''40 acres and a mule. '' The Republican Party set aside 400,000 acres of confiscated Confederate land and began dividing it to give freed slaves 40 acres and a leftover army mule.
Democrat president Andrew Johnson gave the land back to its former plantation owners.
Today the Democrats proclaim themselves the party of economic opportunity, but the truth is, they fought to stop the Thirteenth Amendment, which permanently abolished slavery.
The Republicans passed it with 1 00 percent support, 77 percent of Democrats voted against it.
Democrats today call themselves the party of social justice, but they fought to block the Fourteenth Amendment that gave citizenship to blacks and established equality of rights under the law.
It passed with 94 percent Republican support in Congress.
Every Democrat voted against it.
And Democrats today never tire of lecturing Republicans about racial equality, but it was the Democratic Party that fought against the Fifteenth Amendment, refusing to give slaves the right to vote.
Every Republican in Congress voted for the Fifteenth Amendment.
Every Democrat voted against it.
Ah, yes, and in case we forget, Republicans also gave women the right to vote.
The suffragettes were virtually all Republicans.
Democrats opposed women's suffrage, fighting it in Congress, where they lost, and then fighting it in the states, where they lost again.
So the Republican Party is the party of anti-slavery and equal rights under the law.
The Democratic Party is the party of the Trail of Tears, broken treaties, slavery, and opposition to equal rights under the law.
And when their old plan was defeated by the Republicans, the Democrats needed a new con.
I'm reminded of what Rock told me.
Now we got to get a new plan.
The old one won't work anymore, you know?
[D'Souza] There's more I need to learn about the secret history of the Democratic Party.