I Am a Dad Movie Script


A corrupt detective infiltrates a gang and tries to save his daughter. One day he finds out the heart his daughter would receive as a transplant is from a magician he falsely accused. 一名腐败的侦探潜入一个帮派,试图拯救他的女儿。有一天,他发现女儿将接受的心脏移植手术来自一位他诬陷的魔术师。

It's Tiger Balm.
I'm still learning in my job.
How long do you think my daughter can last like this?
Even if we try our best Two years the most.
I see.
Hi baby, you're up!
This is for you.
I bought this cuz you used to like it.
I'll get you something else next time.
HAN Jong-shik!
I'll never forgive you.
When you come home Your wife and your daughter will already be heaven.
If you even touch them I'll kill you, dumbass!
You'd never hurt us, right?
I delivered pizza to that house and rot in jail for 7 years!
What did I do wrong?
What the hell did I do wrong?
What's up? Sleep more.
I'll wake you up when we get there.
TWO YEARS LATER: What's up, man?
Gave up on magic?
This is magic, too.
I want my daughter to live in a fungus-free house.
How did your parole go?