I Am a Dad Movie Script


A corrupt detective infiltrates a gang and tries to save his daughter. One day he finds out the heart his daughter would receive as a transplant is from a magician he falsely accused. 一名腐败的侦探潜入一个帮派,试图拯救他的女儿。有一天,他发现女儿将接受的心脏移植手术来自一位他诬陷的魔术师。

I AM FATHER: You'll really let me off the hook if you get your cut of this deal, right?
If this goes wrong, you're dead meat.
Come on.
Can't you trust me?
Trust me just this once!
Why else would they have a funeral every month?
They're drug dealers.
There's no corpse in the coffin.
Then what would be in there?
Hurry! Hurry!
Wow, is this a national gangster reunion?
Who the hell are you?
Look at this.
What does it say?
I'm a police, you piece of sh*t!
Stop it!
You don't know what I am?
I'm a cop, motherf***er!
Is there a problem?
What kind of funeral is this without even a picture of the dead?
Out of the way!
I needed a coffin.