杀死比尔Kill Bill Movie Script


这是一部令人眼花缭乱,绝对能带给您感官刺激的动作电影。一个新娘(乌玛•瑟曼Uma Thurman饰)在自己的婚礼上遭到了暗杀,婚礼瞬间变成了一片狼籍的红色。幸运的是,新娘并没有就此消失,而是在四年后苏醒过来,并且接受了高强度的各种各样的武术训练,开始踏上了自己的复仇之路,在世界各地寻找给自己带来灾难的人。当然,她也遇到了许多阻碍。日本杀手(刘玉玲饰)就是其中之一。   这场红色的复仇之路究竟伸向何处,又有多曲折呢?

O-REN(JAPANESE) YOU LIE!! The Bride just smiles at her rival's response.
O-Ren's composure returns.
O-REN(JAPANESE) Swords however never get tired. I hope you've saved your energy. If you haven't, you might not last five minutes.
(pause) Have you seen the garden in this establishment?
O-REN(JAPANESE) Oh, you really should. It's quite beautiful. Allow me.
O-Ren moves out of the position she's stood in for the entire battle. She steps on the doormat of a corpse, that serves the same purpose of a bottom step, and moves over to the white paper wall and slides it open....REVEALING. ..A WHITE WINTER WONDERLAND, set against a Jet Black sky.
A Snow-covered Japanese Garden awaits right outside. Snow falls from the sky(Slightly artificial, not phony - but Operatic/Theatrical). O-Ren stands next to the Bride in the doorway looking out into the white night.
O-REN(JAPANESE) As last looks go, you could do worse.
The Queen of the Tokyo Underworld steps outside... The Bride follows her... INT. SNOW-COVERED JAPANESE GARDEN - NIGHT As snow falls around them, they stand the correct distance from one another.
COMBAT MUSIC BEGINS PLAYING, but not Japanese drums - Spanish Flamenco Guitar....... The Bride Unsheaths her Sword Quickly...Holding it out in front of her...Tip of Blade pointed at O-Ren...Sword's Handle and her Fingers wrapped around that handle, up by her cheek...Her eyes are Reflected on the Blade...Snow falls around her.
O-Ren begins walking forward towards the Bride...She raises up her Sword, still in its sheath, in front of her face vertically...then begins slowly unsheathing it...Snow falls around her.
O-REN'S FEET White socks in wooden clogs, walk forward, Crunching Snow underneath them... The BRIDE Holding Sword...Eyes reflected in Blade...her Yellow Sneakers Crunching snow underneath them... O-REN when her Sword is fully unsheathed, the Japanese combat artist holds both arms straight out at her sides, Sword in one hand - Wood sheath in the other, like a bird. .The Two Women circle each other.... They SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE...CIRCLE...SWING - CLASH - DANCE - SEPARATE... O-REN LEAPS in the air does a Somersault over the Bride's head, landing behind her opponent. She brings her Sword down in a Slashing Swing... SLASHING The BRIDE across her back - Spinning her around... O-Ren goes in for the kill...The Bride meets her blade... The Blades Clash and Lock...The Two Women's faces come together as the Blades become entangled... O-Ren moves her arm in a counter-clockwise motion that loosens the grip enough to bring her sword handle hard into The Bride's mouth... Knocking her backwards over a small, stone bench - Flat on her ass in a koi pond.
- The Combat Guitar Stops - O-Ren doesn't charge the fallen blonde, She laughs; O-REN(ENGLISH) Silly Caucasian girl likes to play with samurai swords. Bill might of humored you, but you will find neither humor nor mercy at my blade. Now unless you intend to commit sepeku among the koi, stand up and fight. You may not be able to fight like a samurai, but you can at least die like a samurai.
The Combat Guitar starts again...As The Bride slowly rises out of the koi pond. She brings up her sword and Says Calmly to O-Ren in Japanese; THE BRIDE(JAPANESE) Attack me. With everything you have.
The Two Women Clash Swords furiously, their attack ends with The Bride's Striking O-Ren - not fatally - but deep. They separate breathing hard...Cold Air coming out of their mouths like two locomotives... O-Ren looks down to her wound, then back up to The Bride. The respect for the Bride's ability is transparent.
The Two Women Circle Stalk each other again... Red Blood running down Yellow Legs onto Yellow Sneakers... Wooden Clogs crunching the Snow, Blood trail dripping down legs staining White Socks with Red... They Attack, the Geisha figurine and The tall western girl with the mane of Whipping Blonde Hair. They Swing - Twist - Turn - Clash, matching blow for blow till they both back off.
Both Women are out of breath and have to stop to recuperate.
As they both drink the harsh cold air into their lungs, leaving red blood stains in the white snow, the two females have the same thought. The next clash will be their last.
O-REN(JAPANESE) I apologize for ridiculing you earlier.
They continue breathing... THE BRIDE(JAPANESE) Ready?
The Flamenco Guitar begins again, as The Two Women Circle each other for their final attack.
With all the quickness and skill at their command, they clash in a superb display of Samurai Swordplay...TILL...They Find themselves on opposite sides of a garden wall The Bride and O-Ren both begin Running diagonally through the snow, Swords held up high, Facing each other, Continuing to run even after they passed the wall, Screaming their Samurai hearts out... UNTIL... They both SWING can't tell who got who... A SCALP OF LONG, BLACK HAIR FLIES THROUGH THE AIR, landing in the white snow.