Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script


迪士尼动画片 Lady, a golden cocker spaniel, meets up with a mongrel dog who calls himself the Tramp. He is obviously from the wrong side of town, but happenings at Lady's home make her decide to travel with him for a while. This turns out to be a bad move, as no dog is above the law.

Can't you see the poor kid's scared enough already?
Pay no attention, my little ochi chernye.
That's right, dearie.
They don't mean no real harm.
It's like Gorky says in Lower Depths, quote: "Miserable being must find more miserable being.
Then he's happy."
- Unquote.
- Boris is a philosopher.
Besides, little bublichki, wearing license here, that is like waving, you should excuse the expression, red flag in front of bull.
My license?
But what's wrong with it?
There ain't nothin' wrong with it.
Confidential, there's not one dog here who would not give left hind leg for such a knick-knack.
That's your passport to freedom, honey.
Without it... Hey. Hey, yous guys, look.
Poor Nutsy is takin' the long walk.
Where is he taking him?
Through the one-way door, sister.
You... You mean he's... Oh, well.
A short life and a merry one.
Yeah, that's what the Tramp always says.
- The Tramp?
- Now there's a bloke - The Tramp?
- Now there's a bloke what never gets caught.
He's given the slip to every dogcatcher in this burg.