Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。


Where is he?
Sgt. Kamarov:

The house... the house at the northeast end of village!

Well that wasn't so hard was it? Now go sit in the corner. Gaz sits Kamarov down on the corner. The team gets ready to rappel.
Captain Price:

Soap, Gaz. We've got to reach that house before anything happens to the informant. Let's go!Price, Gaz, and Soap rappel down from the power station to the village. They encounter Ultranationalists on the way to the house.
Captain Price:

Bloody hell let's move. He may still be alive. They reach the house.
Captain Price:

Gaz, go around the back and cut the power. Soap, get ready! (The captions incorrectly say "Everyone else, get ready!" - This has been corrected in Remastered) Follows Gaz to the back of the house.

Soap! Regroup with Captain Price! You can storm the building when I cut the power. Go! The player meets back with Price.
Captain Price:

Gaz, do it. The house lights go out.

Alright, I've cut the power. Go. Price and Soap enter the house.

Хм? Что случилось с электричеством? Виктор! Электричество погасло! (Hm? What happened with electricity? Viktor! The electricity went out!) Soap kills Sasha.
Captain Price:

These night vision goggles make it too easy. They continue through the house.

Саша...? Ты здесь? Саша...? (Sasha...? Are you here? Sasha...?) Soap kills Viktor. They move upstairs to the second floor and kill more Ultranationalists in the house. At the last room, Soap kills the final enemy, who drops a flashlight that shines into Nikolai's face. They reach Nikolai.

Что вы хотите? Кто вы? Спецвойска? (What do you want? Who are you? Special forces?) Price helps up Nikolai and hands him an AK74u.
Captain Price:

It's him.

Nikolai - are you all right? Can you walk?

Yes...and I can still fight. Thank you for getting me out of here.
Captain Price:

Big Bird this is Bravo Six. We have the package. Meet us at LZ one. Over.
Big Bird:

Bravo Six this is Big Bird. We're on our way. Out.
Captain Price:

Let's go! Let's go! They move out of the house and reach Big Bird with Nikolai. Once all aboard, Big Bird takes off.

Have the Americans already attacked Al-Asad?
Captain Price:

No, their invasion begins in a few hours! Why?

The Americans are making a mistake. They will never take Al-Asad alive. We cut to The satellite, which uploads a video feed of a city in flames at night with anti-aircraft fire shooting out from the ground.

After heavy fighting today, U.S. Marines began their push into the city where Al-Asad is making his last stand. Fighting has intensified in the Capital City. Anti-aircraft fire and burning buildings light the night.

Bravo Six copies, over. The satellite tracks an M1 Abrams tank.

Bravo Six, we have an Abrams dead in the water. Callsign "War Pig". Lt. Vasquez, your unit is shotgun, over.