Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。

Lt. Vasquez:

Roger that! Move up and hold position at the bend, over!

Roger, movin'.War Pig moves down the street. The team continues to support the tank.
Lt. Vasquez:

Griggs, keep em' pinned down from here. Bravo - head out back and flank 'em from the right.
Sgt. Griggs:

They're pullin' back! Stay sharp - it could be a trap! They move to a building. They come to an ambush.

Open Fire! Pin 'em down! Vasquez assists a Marine in moving a dumpster for cover. Jackson takes out the hostiles and they reach the end of the ally and kick upen a door.

Breaching! Breaching! As the Marines come up to a blown second floor, they see a T-72 tank and OpFor soldiers coming up the street.

Hold right here! Enemy tank comin' up the road!
Lt. Vazquez:

Warpig, Bravo six! T-72 behind the building at your 10 o' clock! Can you engage, over!

Roger that Bravo six, I got him on thermal, switching to manual. War Pig comes up to the corner of a building hidden from the enemy tank. It turns its turret at the building, aiming at the enemy tank, which turns its turret at the Marines and is about to fire.

Takin' the shot. War Pig fires through a steel door and wall, and hits the enemy tank, which sparks and explodes and is destroyed.
Marine 1:

Woo! Yeah! Woo! Yeah!
Marine 2:

Holy sh*t! Did you see that?!
Marine 3:

That's what I'm talking about, baby!
Lt. Vasquez:

Nice shootin' Warpig. Lot' o secondaries. Now let's get the hell outta here.
War Pig:

Comin' through. Roger Bravo Six. So...uh, hehe, are there yet? Warpig drives around the corner as the Marines move out.

Bravo Six, 2nd platoon is moving to rendezvous near your location, what's your status, over?
Lt. Vasquez:

Precious cargo is intact and en route. We're almost at Highway 4 and should make visual contact shortly with 2nd platoon.They move to an LZ at the end of the city. A Sea Knight lands to pick them up.
Lt. Vasquez, this is Outlaw-Two-Five. The Task Force is moving in to capture Al-Asad. It's all hands on deck for this one so get on board, over.
Lt. Vasquez:

Roger that! Marines! We just got a fix on Al-Asad's position! Everyone on board! Let's go! We then cut to them In one of the Sea Knight helicopters. Sgt. Paul Jackson is in a Sea Knight manning a Mark 19 Grenade Launcher. More U.S. helicopters and tanks are seen moving into the Capital City.
Outlaw Two-Five:

In formation. Approaching objective. 30 seconds.
Outlaw Two-Five:

Taking fire. Deadly and the other Cobra helicopters destroy the T-72s while Jackson destroys the BMPs on the highway, before then destroying an enemy anti-aircraft nest on one rooftop.
Outlaw Two-Five:

RPGs on rooftops. Jackson takes out foot-mobiles with RPGs on the rooftops as the chopper enters the city.
Outlaw Two-Five:

Light armor, take it out, Jackson! More ground infantry, watch it. Jackson fires at the courtyard, taking out two BMPs along with infantry. The player can fire on the statue, which topples down.
Outlaw Two-Five:

We got RPGs on rooftops. Jackson shifts his fire on the rooftops.
Outlaw Two-Five:

Anti-air battery, rooftop. Hostiles with RPGs. Jackson takes out the AA nest and a BMP next to a fuel truck, also detonating the fuel truck, which sends up a fireball as the gas station it was next to explodes as well.