Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。

Sgt. Newcastle:

Notice it didn't explode. As you know, all grenade launchers have a minimum safe arming distance. Right, now pop a grenade into windows five, six and seven. Soap fires the grenades.
Sgt. Newcastle:

Now come back and pick up some C4 off the table. Soap collects the C4
Sgt. Newcastle:

Equip the C4, Soap. It seems my ex-wife was kind enough to donate her car to furthering your education, Soap. Throw some C4 on the car. Soap tosses a C4 block onto the car.
Sgt. Newcastle:

Now place the C4 on the indicated spot. Soap places a C4 block on the car's glowing spot.
Sgt. Newcastle:

Now get a safe distance from the explosives. Soap retreats to beside Newcastle.
Sgt. Newcastle:

Fire in the hole! Soap detonates the C4.
Sgt. Newcastle:

Much improved. All right Soap, you passed the weapons evaluation. Now report to Mac on the obstacle course. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see you. Soap walks away from Newcastle and towards the obstacle course, where Mac stands on the large wooden platform, and three SAS troopers await the initiation.
Mac: seems Miss Soap was kind enough to join us! Line up ladies! Go! This isn't a bloody charity walk - get your arses into gear! MOVE! Soap and the other clear the log balance beams and duck underneath the arches.

Jump over those obstacles! Soap and the others reach a barbed wire obstacle, and go prone to crawl beneath it.

You crawl like old people screw! I've seen Sandhurst Commandos run faster than you lot! Move move move! What's the matter with you? You all want to be R. T. U'd? Soap reaches the end of the course first.

Oi, Soap! Captain Price wants to see you in Hanger One! You passed my little test, now get out of my sight!The others finally finish.

The rest of you bloody ponces are going to run it again until I'm no longer embarrassed to look at you! The other SAS troops run back to the start. When approaching hangar number one, the door opens slowly and the player enters. In the hanger, a group of four men are waiting. Two of them face the player and the two others turn back to see. They all wear gas masks, except Captain Price.

It's the F.N.G. sir. Go easy on him sir, it's his first day in the regiment.
Cpt. Price:

Right. What the hell kind of name is Soap, eh? How'd a muppet like you pass Selection? Soap, it's your turn for the C.Q.B. test. Everyone else head to observation. For this test you'll have to run the cargo-ship solo in less than 60 seconds. Gaz holds the current squadron record at 19 seconds. Good luck. Climb the ladder over there. Soap climbs the ladder to the top of the course.
Cpt. Price:

Pick up that MP5 and four flashbangs. Soap equips the inventory. If player does not have the MP5 out.
Cpt. Price:

Soap, equip your MP5. Soap equips the MP5.
Cpt. Price:

On my go, I want you to rope down to the deck and rush to position 1. After that you will storm down the stairs to position 2. Then hit positions 3 and 4, following my precise instructions at each position. Grab the rope when you're ready. Soap grabs the rope, slides down, and begins the course.
Cpt. Price:

Go, go, go! Soap comes to the "bridge".
Cpt. Price:

Hit the targets! Clears.
Cpt. Price:

Position 2 go! The player follows the red arrows and continues through the course.
Cpt. Price:

Hit the targets! Soap clears the room, passes a door and another door with Mess painted on it. Several other arrows are painted on the walls and on the floor.
Cpt. Price:

Flashbang through the door! Soap tosses a flashbang and covers as it explodes.
Cpt. Price:

Position 4! Hit the targets! He shoots the targets.
Cpt. Price:

Position 5, go! Soap runs to a room when two targets pop up.
Cpt. Price:

Hit the targets! He shoots the targets.