Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。

Big Bird:

Talk to me Bravo Six, where the hell are you?!
Captain Price:

Stand by. We're almost there! They move up the stairs out of lower hall.

Which way?! Which way to the helicopter?!
Captain Price:

To the right to the right!

We're runnin' outta time! Come on! Let's go! They turn to the right towards the exit. Objects begin to roll as the ship capsizes further. They reach outside.
Captain Price:

Keep moving!

Where the hell is it?! The helicopter arrives and they board just as it takes off.

Jump for it! Soap jumps. He begins to lose his grip on the ramp. Price grabs him and pulls him aboard.
Captain Price:

Gotcha! We're all aboard! Go!
Big Bird:

Roger that, we're outta here. Baseplate, this is Big Bird. Package secure, returning to base. Out. Fade to black as we suddenly cut to a satellite, which tracks a car somewhere in Saudi Arabia.

Car is inbound.

Continue Tracking. President Yasir Al-Fulani is dragged out of the building by two OpFor soldiers. Other soldiers are on top of buildings. Helicopters swarm the area. More soldiers are seen taking civilians into custody while others secure the area with their dogs.
Khaled Al-Asad:

 !اليوم، سننه� مرةً أخرى كأمةٍ واحدة، لنواجه الفاسدين والخونة (Today, we will rise once more as one nation, to face the corrupt and the traitors!) Al-Fulani is dragged into a car, and raises his tied hands as he is about to be knocked out by one of the soldiers.

 !إسمعني (Listen to me!) The soldier hits him with the stock of his AK. Al-Fulani gets up and coughs; the car is driven by an OpFor soldier and Viktor Zakhaev, who are taking him to Al-Asad for a public execution. The soldier who hit him slams the door and bangs the roof to signal the car can depart while the other one signals to clear the way for the car to leave.''

  (from the outside)  !تقدموا (Go!) They drive out of the area; Al-Asad's speech plays over the radio.

 !كلنا وثقنا بنية هذا الرجل   [؟؟؟]   أمتنا العظيمة وقيادتها نحو عهدٍ جديد من الإزدهار (We all trusted the intention this man to   [???]   Our great nation and lead her into a new era of prosperity.) Soldiers are seen running down the sidewalk in the opposite direction of the car.
Viktor Zakhaev:

  (to the driver)   .إستدر إلى اليسار، إلى اليسار (Turn to the left, to the left.)At a fork soldiers stand on the side, firing into the air. The driver drives down a sandy, uphill drive, after a BMP. Soldiers are seen smoking on the sides. Viktor gets a call on his cell-phone. He looks back at Al-Fulani and then gets back on the phone. Soldiers are seen strangling civilians back on the road.

 !لكن مثل ملكنا قبل الثورة، كان متواطئاً مع الغرب، ولا يعرف سوى مصلحته الشخصية (But like our monarchy before the Revolution, he has been colluding with the West with only self interest at heart!) On one side of the road a soldier is seen pinning a civilian and then gutting him. On the other several soldiers are firing into buildings, breaching them to clear them out of any civilians loyal to Al-Fulani. The car continues to follow the BMP for some time. Civilians run out of an alley and up the street between the car and the BMP. Soldiers come out after them and shoot them dead, avoiding hitting the car in the crossfire. The BMP stops near a market place, soldiers get out from the troop compartment in the back and start shooting and stabbing the shoppers. The car goes down a hill. At the bottom a garbage can is rolling with a human under it. The human gets out and is shot from behind. The car comes to an intersection. A truck chock full of soldiers goes ahead of the car. The other roads are swarmed with soldiers. The car follows the truck. They come to a fork. The truck goes left. In the middle is an empty concrete area behind a building. Many civilians are lined up against it with their hands behind their heads and their faces against the brick. Several civilians are on the ground being arrested by soldiers.

!الصمت ينتج العبودية! لن نكون عبيداً (Silence breeds slavery! And we shall not be enslaved!) On a corner bend there is another empty area behind a building where some more civilians are being killed and arrested for resisting the OpFor. At the violent scene Viktor taps the driver's shoulder, who nods to him and turns back to the road. Civilians steal guns from soldiers and fire upon OpFor agents in a small courtyard. They are all killed.BLACK. SILENCE. CARD 1 AT 600 KM ABOVE PLANET EARTH THE TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATES BETWEEN 120 AND -100 DEGREES CELSIUS. SILENCE. CARD 2 THERE IS NOTHING TO CARRY SOUND, NO OXYGEN, AND NO AIR PRESSURE. SILENCE. CARD 3 LIFE HERE IS IMPOSSIBLE. SILENCE.
small metal object crosses the empty space surrounding Earth. If it appears to be a small satellite that is only because it is far away from us. It is the size of one football field. It is- The INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION (ISS). It resembles a dragonfly. Its solar panels stretch out, like wings, from the long body made of connected pressurized modules. It floats with a sense of proud achievement. It orbits at an altitude of 500 km above sea level. It moves at an average of 27,700 kilometers per hour, completing 15.7 laps around the Earth per day. It is cruising over Zimbabwe. To the East, the island of
Viktor Zakhaev:

(to the driver) .إستدر إلى اليسار، إلى اليسار (Turn to the left, to the left.) Soldiers exit another BMP and run down the sidewalk. The car goes right at a fork into an alley with many posters of Al-Asad and dumpsters. Behind a dumpster a civilian is seen painting a picture of Al-Fulani onto the alley wall. He sprints off when the car comes near. Mi-24 Hind attack helicopters buzz over the buildings.

.حان الوقت لإظهار قوتنا الحقيقية. إنهم يستهينون بعزيمتنا. دعونا نُريهم أننا لا نخافهم (The time has come to show our true strength. They despise our resolve. Let us show them that we do not fear them.) A civilian is seen jumping a chain-link fence. A German shepherd is seen chasing him but he escapes.