Modern Warfare 07 Movie Script


Synopsis: In this action-thriller based of the 2007 masterpiece, A task-force along with two groups of marines go after a terrorist with motives beyond your average terrorist to stop WWII. 简介: 在这部以2007年的杰作为基础的惊悚片中,一支特遣部队和两支海军陆战队一起追捕一名恐怖分子,其动机超出了普通恐怖分子阻止二战的能力。


!كشعبٍ واحد، سنحرر إخواننا من [؟؟؟] النفوذ الأجنبي (As one people, we will free our brethren from [???] foreign influence!) A dumpster lid is lifted slightly. A civilian head is exposed. He quickly shuts it once the car gets too close. The car approaches a highway near the bay. Waves crash against the side-rail. Soldiers run across from the right end to the left. Several jets fly across the ocean. The car turns right and follows the soldiers. On the left several soldiers surround a truck and drag the civilian driver out and throw him to the pavement. The car goes straight. On the left many civilians are lined up with their backs facing the road. Soldiers reload and aim at them. As the car passes they fire and the bodies drop in a hail of gunfire.

.جيوشنا قوية، وق� يتنا عادلة (Our armies are strong and our cause is just.) The car turns left at a small courtyard where soldiers are lined up and tanks are parked. An Mi-8 Hip lands in the courtyard, flanked by two Hinds.

.كما أتحدث، إنهم يحتشدون جيوشنا، بما سنحمي استقلال شعبنا كدولة عظيمة (As I speak, our armies are nearing their objectives, by which we will restore the independence of a once great nation.) The car travels down a deserted road. At the end are some soldiers talking and smoking. At the very end there is an arena on the right. Many soldiers are lined up here. They all fire their guns into the air as they cheer. The car stops outside the arena. A soldier opens the back door, another pulls Al-Fulani out, and throws him onto the ground.

.ق� يتنا النبيلة قد بدأت (Our noble crusade has begun.) The soldier stomps Al-Fulani in the face, the player's vision blacks out. As Al-Fulani's vision comes to, two soldiers each take one of Al-Fulani's arms and lead him down the long hallway into the arena where Imran Zakhaev awaits. The soldiers hold Al-Fulani in front of Zakhaev, who looks at him. He then nods and backs off. The soldiers begin to lead him towards a bloody, wooden stake in the middle of the arena. OpFor soldiers are gathered all around the courtyard, cheering from both floors of the surrounding building. Al-Asad is nearby, talking into a camera being used to broadcast his speech.

.سنقوم بإلقاء النفايات في بلادهم كما هم يفعلون ذلك لنا بال� بط (Just as they lay waste to our country, we shall lay waste to theirs.) The soldiers tie Al-Fulani up and soldiers cheer very loudly. Al-Asad looks at Zakhaev, who is holding a Desert Eagle. Al-Asad approaches to take it. Zakhaev raises the gun at Al-Asad's head. Al-Asad hesitates, before Imran Zakhaev turns it over and offers it to him. Al-Asad takes it and returns to the camera (the execution is being filmed on live television). He tells the world...

Captain Price, Al-Asad just executed President Al-Fulani on national television.
Captain Price:

The Americans have plans for Al-Asad. And it's too late to do anything for Al-Fulani. But in less than three hours code-name Nikolai will be executed in Russia.

Nikolai sir?
Captain Price:

Nikolai's in hell right now. We're gonna walk him out... ...We take care of our friends. Let's move. The satellite tracks Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish in the Caucasus Mountains. ["Blackout"]
[Day 2 - 1:

31:24] [Caucasus Mountains, Russia] [Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish] [22nd SAS Regiment] Captain Price, Gaz, and Sgt. "Soap" MacTavish gather in the Caucasus Mountains to rescue Nikolai.
Captain Price:

The Loyalists are expecting us half a click to the north. Move out.

Loyalists, eh? Are those the good Russians or the bad Russians?
Captain Price:

Well, they won't shoot us on sight, if that's what you're asking.

Yeah well, that's good enough for me sir. The team moves out to meet the Loyalists. They see a couple of guards.
Captain Price:

Weapons free. The two guards are killed.

Got him.; Good night.; He's down.; One down. They move up to the guard house ahead. Inside are two guards watching the newscast of the events in the Middle East. Price tosses a flashbang through the door and they take out the two guards.
Captain Price:

Good work. There should be a few more guard posts up ahead. Kamarov and his men will be waiting for us in a field to the northwest. They cross under a bridge and see two guard houses ahead. They stack up by the front house.

Soap - plant some claymores in front of the door, then get their attention. Soap plants a claymore by the door, steps back and shoots it. The explosion attracts a few guards. They are killed.
Captain Price:

Enemy down.; Watch out.; Good night.

That's a kill. They enter and come out of a house to a small field.
Captain Price:

Gaz, you smell that?

Yeah, Kamarov. Sgt. Kamarov comes out of the bushes.
Sgt. Kamarov:

Welcome to the new Russia, Captain Price. Kamarov signals his Loyalist team out of the tall grass.
Captain Price:

What's the target, Kamarov? We've got an informant to recover.
Sgt. Kamarov:

BM21s on the other side of the hill.