Monster Family Movie Script


Despite the title, the Wishbone family are far from happy. In an attempt to reconnect as a family, Mum and Emma plan a fun night out. However, her plan backfires when an evil witch curses them, and they're all turned into Monsters.

What are you doing?
- You can't go out there.
It's daylight.
- So? - You're a vampire.
You'll burn up.
- But I've got to get on that plane.
Well, there are legends that say vampires with souls might be able to survive contact with the sun.
Well, great. Let's go.
But they're only legends.
Who knows if they're true?
Well, I guess there's only one way to find out.
No, Mum, don't!
Oh... Well, I guess that answers that question.
Thank you, magnificent sun, for not burning my dear friend to a crisp.
Mum? What if I said I might not want to be changed back?
I like people being scared of me.
- Oh, darling, I know what you mean.
Are you nuts? I look like a 3,000 year old meatloaf and dad is a gigantic farting idiot!
Okay, that's not so new.
- Fay!
I'm just saying, if you two back out now it's totally unfair!
Nobody is backing out.
Max, right now you think it's great that people are scared of you.
But scary people are lonely because nobody wants to be around them.
Which fortune cookie did you read that in?