Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script



This tree has been growing since the time of Genghis Khan.
We have much to learn from the past of this land.
You are growing older and older, my friend.
l ask, oh Great One, in the memory of our deceased ancestors, let us remember that Genghis Khan forged the unity of the Kazakh people but he never forgot their nomad hearts.
Once long ago, on the eve of a great battle, Genghis Khan gathered his men together to demonstrate the importance of unity.
He told them all, one tribe was like a single arrow, easily broken.
But many tribes together would be strong.
Under this fundamental principle, he brought justice for all and proved that the many tribes could continue to flourish and grow.
l want you to know which people you belong to and to swear loyalty to each other.
That is the message we must learn and carry in our hearts.
Come. . .
Let us swear to one another.
We swear! We swear!
Our colt was born on the night of the new moon.
lt will be a good horse.
What's its name, Gauhar?
l like your colt.
Why are you looking at me like that, Mansur?
You are the one who's looking.
l'm not.
Hey, you, stop!
Hey, Kazakh, come out to fight, you coward!
l'll cut off your head!
l'd like to see you try!