Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script

杰瑞发布于09 May 16:37


Keep your back straight.
Keep your heels down.
- Don't let go of the reins.
- l understand.
Don't be afraid. Go!
A horse is your wings.
A good horse is your best friend.
ln difficult times it will help you defeat your enemy.
l gathered them from all parts of the Kazakh steppe.
l picked only the best, each from a different tribe.
They all worked hard to become true Kazakh warriors, but two boys did everything better than the others - Mansur and his best friend Erali.
l was the only one who knew that one of them was the son of Sultan Wali.
How many eyes does a nomad have?
Two in front, and two behind.
Tell me your names.
You didn't name your tribe.
Perhaps you don't know it.
l do, but Mansur and l call ourselves Kazakhs.
These boys are the hope of our nation.
God protect them.
Let's move on.
lt is time for our next lesson.