Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script


亚利桑那号航空母舰在珍珠港的海底休息了75年。 The USS Arizona has been resting on Pearl Harbor's ocean floor for the past 75 years. 自1941年被摧毁以来,科学家们首次掌握了深入观察船内的技术。亚利桑那号曾经被认为是其舰队的骄傲,现在它在珍珠号的浅水区发生了巨大的变化。对亚利桑那号航空母舰的全面搜索揭示了美国历史上最黑暗的日子之一。船内的发现清楚地提醒着所有为国家付出最终代价的人。探险队复述了经历过日本偷袭珍珠港事件的幸存者的个人故事。它还将亚利桑那号上的一名幸存者带回船上,这可能是最后一次看到这艘船。这是他从未想过会再看到的景象。

High-altitude bombers attack the Arizona.
- The bomb bounded off the number three turret, went into the water, went through, went right through the fantail into the water.
And then we caught the big bomb.
- [Narrator] 10,000 feet above the harbor, a Japanese B5N2 bomber has Stratton's ship in the cross hairs.
At 8:
10 a.m., the Japanese commander releases the deadly freight, a 1,760 pound bomb.
(ship exploding) - Fireball probably went about a thousand feet in the air.
- [Narrator] Close to a million pounds of gunpowder detonates, tearing the ship apart.
- It was just so devastating, it took so... - So I've been-- - So many men.
- Over a thousand, right?
- 1,177.
- [Narrator] The sonar image of the wreckage reveals the extent of the destruction.
- There's a great look at that steel, and how it just flowered out.
- Just like paper.
People don't realize how it just tore that metal out.
It was a bad day.
A terrible day.
(fire burning) - [Narrator] What's left of the Arizona is doused in flames.
- All of use got pretty well fried up there.
I lost part of my ear, and my hair was gone, and the skin on my arms, it was hanging down like a sock, and I just pulled it off and threw it down because it was in the way.
- [Narrator] The blazing fire reaches Stratton, high up in the gun director, burning 70 percent of his body.
He is one of the few survivors topside.
- Another fire control man, he and I were the only two survivors from that platform.
One of the gentlemen on the opposite side of my director, where I was at, something hit his head and busted him open.
Below deck people were fighting the water and the fires.
The water just come in, and couldn't stop it, and just sunk, ship just sank.