Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script


影片《珍珠港》是试金石公司2001年出品的一部剧情电影。由迈克尔·贝执导,本·阿弗莱克、凯特·贝金赛尔和乔什·哈奈特等联袂出演。影片于2001年5月25日在北美地区上映。 电影讲述了雷夫和丹尼这对好兄弟在参军时结识女护士伊夫林。雷夫主动请缨参加英国空军的作战,被击落掉进海里。而伊夫林得知噩耗悲痛万分。丹尼和伊夫林慢慢接近,互生爱慕,最后发生一夜情。

Rafe tries to open his cockpit cover to clear the smoke, but it's jammed; he pulls out his .45 pistol and BLAM! BLAM!
BLAM! He blows out the glass; the smoke clears enough for him to take a breath and try to see. He fights the stick, but the plane won't respond.
The Messerschmidts rake him again, bullets riddling his engine.
Get out of there, McCawley! Get out of there!
Rafe's plane descends, ever faster, passing through clouds, then clear air again. The Squad Leader tries to chase and cover him, but Rafe's dropping fast, and still isn't out of the plane as the Germans dive on him again, firing.
Rafe's Spitfire hits the broken fog over the water -- the Squad Leader loses sight of it for a moment -- and then the plane hits, splashing and exploding all at once.
The Squad Leader winces, and ducks into the clouds as he reports on his radio...
McCawley down. No 'chute.
EXT. BATTLESHIP WEST VIRGINIA - PEARL HARBOR - DAY The sailors have assembled on deck for the ship's heavyweight championship fight, a contest made more interesting to the sailors because one of the combatants is white and the other is black.
The battle is more toughness than technique. The guys throwing haymakers and shoving each other around the roped area, as their shipmates cheer and make wild bets. The white guy digs a punch deep into the black guy's ribs, and the black guy slams a double left hook into the white guy's belly, making him back up and say --
You hit hard -- for a cook.
The black guy rushes the white guy, only to catch a right cross that wobbles his knees and makes him stagger, with a fresh cut over his right eye. The white guy now rushes in, and the black guy (his name is DORIE MILLER) throws an upper cut that drops his opponent like a sack of rocks.
The sailors cheer wildly. Dorie steps back, and rubs his glove across his brow. It's really bleeding now.
EXT. MILITARY BASE - DAY Evelyn is returning from church with six of her nurse friends. It's very quiet on a Sunday morning, almost nobody at the base; they walk along the path.
Let's get into civvies and find a bar.
Right after church?
You've gotta sin some, to get forgiveness. Come with us, Evelyn. You need some sin.
I've got to write some requisitions.
We're undersupplied with morphine.
Morphine? We've been here a month and nobody's had worse than a sunburn.
Evelyn smiles softly and walks toward the base hospital.
I wish she could forget him.
You don't forget love, Honey. Not ever.
EXT. HOSPITAL - PEARL HARBOR - DAY Evelyn approaches the hospital and finds the black boxer peering in the window. He's in a T-shirt and navy pants.
Can I help you, sailor?