Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script


影片《珍珠港》是试金石公司2001年出品的一部剧情电影。由迈克尔·贝执导,本·阿弗莱克、凯特·贝金赛尔和乔什·哈奈特等联袂出演。影片于2001年5月25日在北美地区上映。 电影讲述了雷夫和丹尼这对好兄弟在参军时结识女护士伊夫林。雷夫主动请缨参加英国空军的作战,被击落掉进海里。而伊夫林得知噩耗悲痛万分。丹尼和伊夫林慢慢接近,互生爱慕,最后发生一夜情。

Sh*t! I'll get some ammo!
He runs for the ladders, and is shot down before he gets there.
EXT. SKIES OVER PEARL HARBOR - DAY The dive bombers scream in.
EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Bombs are hitting the deck. Sailors are blown into the air and out into the oily water. Nearby ships are catching fire; the flames spread out onto the oily water itself.
INT. BELOW DECKS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie Miller, the boxing champion/kitchen helper, is working picking up the breakfast trays when he feels the ship shudder. The intercom comes alive --
Battle stations! Battle stations! This is not a drill!
Men run to the ladders, and the shaking of the ship from a bomb blast tosses them off; Dorie's at the foot of the ladder when men fall back on top of him.
EXT. BRIDGE OF WEST VIRGINIA - DAY The Captain of the ship has reached the command bridge, where most of his staff is lying wounded from a bomb blast.
CAPTAIN OF THE WEST VIRGINIA Stay calm! Find your positions. Medics, get the wounded to sick bay! Load and -- MORE TORPEDOES and BOMBS blast into the ship. A big chunk of shrapnel tears into the Captain and rips his stomach open.
The medics he was just directing to other men now run to him, as the men they were going to help have been blown apart.
EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Sailors run up from below and are gunned down and blasted down before they can reach their weapons.
Dorie Miller emerges from below decks and sees the carnage, the confusion. A bloody OFFICER grabs him.
Boy! We need stretcher bearers on the bridge!
Dorie runs into the fire and smoke, toward the bridge.
EXT. BRIDGE OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie arrives to see the medics crouched over the disemboweled Captain, who is still giving orders.
CAPTAIN OF THE WEST VIRGINIA Radio for air cover. Organize the other medics. Initiate fire control.
Dorie helps the medic lift the Captain to take him below.
INT. BELOW DECKS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie carries the Captain down the ladder by himself, using one arm to climb and one to hold the Captain like a child's teddy bear. When they reach the bottom the pain has grown too much for the Captain; he know's he's dying.
Dorie puts him down; the medic jumps down the ladder and reaches the Captain, who tells him -- CAPTAIN OF THE WEST VIRGINIA Find my executive officer and tell him he's in command. Tell him to fire the boilers and... He trembles in death throes... CAPTAIN OF THE WEST VIRGINIA Make sure the gunners have enough ammuni -- He's dead. The Medic runs toward the ladder, reaches the hatch, and is blasted back to the bottom by an explosion overhead.
Dorie runs for the ladder, and climbs out into hell.
EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie emerges into even greater carnage and confusion. A sailor, his body on fire, runs past and leaps into the oily water -- but it is in flames too.
Then Dorie sees it: an unmanned anti-aircraft gun. He runs to it, through the strafing.
The gun already has a belt of ammo in it -- apparently loaded by the gunner who lies beside it with his chest shot open.
Dorie swings the business end of the gun toward the Zeros coming in out of the smoke, and he begins to fire.