完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



Tell you what... Read the dosage on the package.
Yes, they go by size.
Get a tablet and hide it in her kibble.
I think half should be enough, but... look at the dosage... Stop it !
No, sorry, I didn't mean you.
I was talking to my dog.
I have a Labrador, yes.
Get down ! Yes, yes... Yes, they're very affectionate dogs.
With children, but particularly with adults.
- Where are you going ?
- I told you, to Chicca's.
- I don't believe you.
- Don't then.
You're seeing Gregorio.
No !
By telling lies, you're hurting yourself more than me.
What a pain ! Chicca and I are meeting the others.
- Gregorio might be there.
- Why do you need these ?
- They're not mine.
- They were in your bag.
- I'm holding them for Chicca.
- Think I'm stupid ?
And stop rummaging through my bag.
God ! You drive me crazy !