完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



- Has Peppe arrived yet ?
- Not yet.
I made a tiramisu.
Cosimo and Bianca are on their way up.
- Okay. Ricotta or mascarpone ?
- Mascarpone.
Let's see ifyou have the guts to say yours is better.
Come in.
Hi !
- I made a tiramisu. Sofia ?
- In her bedroom.
- I'll go and say hello.
- No, leave her be.
- You're at war ?
- Guerrilla warfare.
What happened ?
I found condoms in her bag.
No !
- God, what if Rosa does that ?
- Rosa's not even 6 !
- Hello ?
- Come in. Hi, Bianca !
- Hi.
- Hi, everyone. Where's Peppe ?
He's not here yet.