完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



I was drunk, I'd have ended up in jail.
But what would we have done with the kids ?
We chose... what is it we always say ?
The lesser of two evils.
But a man died, I wouldn't call that the "lesser of two evils".
- Okay, that's enough now.
- Enough what, Lele ?
You do realize we haven't discussed it since, like it never happened ?
The only thing that's kept us together was my guilt.
The guilt you've made me feel over the years.
Why haven't we split up ?
People should learn how to split up.
If only you'd told me you were a fag !
It would've made things easier.
Actually, I'm the one who's the fag.
Fag !
Did I say it right ?
When you say it, you always articulate it like this... fag !
You pronounce it with two Fs and a nice hard G.
Did I say it right ?
Did I say it right, or not ?
- Not such a good idea, was it ?
- I'd say not.
- Why didn't you tell us before ?
- Why didn't I tell you before ?