完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



It's amazing !
That's enough !
You're always at it !
- Hurry up, darling, it's cold.
- I'm on my way.
Bye, Peppe.
- Bye, Lele.
- I'll call you.
Are we on for soccer tomorrow ?
- I haven't heard from anyone.
- It's probably been called off.
- Call me if there's a game.
- Of course.
- Come on !
- I'm coming.
Peppe, next time we want to meet Lucilla.
Okay, as soon as she's feeling better.
Bye, good night.
- Why didn't you want to play the game ?
- I didn't like the idea.
No, you insisted on not playing.
Got something to hide ?
Why then ?
Because we're breakable... all of us, some more than others.