不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script


影片中一个和蔼可亲的小镇普通人莫名其妙地变成了拥有心灵感应能力的天才。 John Travolta plays George Malley, who owns the local auto repair shop in a small California town. After celebrating his birthday with friends at the local bar/hang-out, George heads for home. He pauses to watch a strange light in the sky, then collapses for a few seconds in the middle of the deserted street. In the days and weeks that follow, George finds his IQ and consciousness expanding dramatically, and develops telekinetic abilities. Despite his attempts to explain what has happened to him, with just a very few exceptions, most of the local townspeople treat the "new" George as a freak. His state of isolation becomes even more pronounced when his new-found abilities allow him to correctly predict an earthquake, and outside authorities become interested in what's happened to him.

- Yes.
Well, my department would like to interview you and clear this up.
l-l-l would be-- l would be so glad to come to Berkeley.
Do you-- Do you think l could meet w-w-with some other departments as well?
l-l-l have some experiments l'd, l'd like to show you. Come with me.
They're nice.
All right. Well, uh, let's see.
Um-- Oh, oh, yes.
Here. Okay, now look, um-- l've taken solar panels, and l've actually germinated the seeds... t-that made these, these, these plants grow.
l'm trying to change the electromagnetic field, right?
- Um, Mr Malley?
- l took, uh, incandescent lighting, - Mr Malley?
- and l turned it into sunlight, which actually made these, these plants grow.
- Mr Malley?
- Oh, now, look-- l-l took pig manure, and l turned it into a f-fuel... which l-l believe will actually run an automobile.
All l'm interested in is the earthquake.
We need to know if that was a fluke, a coincidence.
A fluke?
George, why don't you move something with your mind?
Maybe move his, uh, something like that?
- Look, Mr Ringold-- - Doctor.
D-D-Doctor Ringold, uh, l-l-- Look, l-- l've got-- l've got my garden out there, and t-t-that acts like a lab, right?
And l, l got everything that you see here, but l-- - l really need to talk to people like you, okay?
- Hey, George!