不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script


影片中一个和蔼可亲的小镇普通人莫名其妙地变成了拥有心灵感应能力的天才。 John Travolta plays George Malley, who owns the local auto repair shop in a small California town. After celebrating his birthday with friends at the local bar/hang-out, George heads for home. He pauses to watch a strange light in the sky, then collapses for a few seconds in the middle of the deserted street. In the days and weeks that follow, George finds his IQ and consciousness expanding dramatically, and develops telekinetic abilities. Despite his attempts to explain what has happened to him, with just a very few exceptions, most of the local townspeople treat the "new" George as a freak. His state of isolation becomes even more pronounced when his new-found abilities allow him to correctly predict an earthquake, and outside authorities become interested in what's happened to him.

They don't feel safe with you out there.
W-W-W-Why would they? They've having me break codes all night. Secret codes.
l mean, there-- l shouldn't be listening to a code from Britain to Saudi Arabia.
l mean, these are our allies. lf-if you guys are gonna accuse me of a crime... or keep me here, l'll tell the press.
Or l'll call London or Riyadh.
l know all the, uh, capitals now, by the way.
You can test me.
My interest in Mr Malley has to do with seismology and geology.
lt has nothing to do with security issues.
Oh, l know, but that's not the point.
Mr Malley has been released without charges, but he is considered a security risk.
l'll be frank with you.
He's an unknown quantity.
And we'd feel better for the time being... if he wasn't granted any access to the institutions... where sensitive government projects are in the works.
- Access?
- Access even to personnel.
- Lace?
- Ohh.
lt's-- lt's me.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- l'm sorry l didn't-- l didn't come through the front door, but l was so afraid l'd wake the kids.
Oh, that's okay, that's okay.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.