Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End加勒比海盗:世界的尽头 Movie Script

杰瑞发布于02 May 16:15

《加勒比海盗:世界的尽头》(Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's End)是迪士尼电影公司2007年推出的奇幻历险电影,也是加勒比海盗系列电影的第三部作品。由戈尔·维宾斯基执导,杰瑞·布鲁克海默制片,约翰尼·德普、奥兰多·布鲁姆、凯拉·奈特莉和杰弗里·拉什主演。 影片剧情围绕威尔·特纳、伊丽莎白·斯旺、赫克托·巴博沙以及“黑珍珠号”海盗船的一众船员们试图营救杰克·…

[Screams] - [Thud] - [Both grunt] Go!
Harridan! You'll see no mercy from me.
That's why I brought this.
[Elizabeth grunting] I'm not going to kill you.
I made you a promise.
[Yells] Missed.
Did you forget?
I'm a heartless wretch.
Ah. Love.
A dreadful bond.
And yet, so easily severed.
Tell me, William Turner, do you fear death?
[Jack] Do you?
[Heart beating] Heady tonic, holding life and death in the palm of one's hand.
You're a cruel man, Jack Sparrow.
Cruel is a matter of perspective.
Is it?
- [Groans] - [Gasps] Will?
Look at me! Stay with me!
You're all right.
My son.
Will? Will?
Look at me. Look at me!
You will not forestall my judgment.